I woke up again this morning still feeling like I am in dreamstate. I dont like this feeling. I know something is about to happen. Why I dont like it is because I know something is about to happen but the thing is what. It is the what and when that I dont like. Last time this happened which was only a couple of weeks ago my whole family was turned upsidedown in turmoil. Maybe I should explain how I feel. My whole skin is tingling. Everything around me seems surreal and I seem to know ...
It finally rained last night. Not only did it rain but it poured! Thunder and lightening and heavy wonderful rain! Still not enough though, but as a relief it was very welcomed. The air feels clean and crisp. I had very bizarre dreams last night. Stocrin dreams. Stocrin is one of the drugs I am on. It makes you feel like your on an ecstacy pill, not a good one. I take it at night so I can ride it out while Im asleep. The only thing though is that it give you the most vivid dreams. I coul...
One of the most crucial things about living with HIV is taking medication. There is a whole list of medications now available to people in the west to help people living with HIV to continue to keep living. Sounds good? Ill let you in on something. I first started taking the meds seven years ago. I was on the brink. My viral load was 1 million 500 thousand. That means for every 10 mls of my blood there existed 1500000 copies of HIV. I had 70 t cells. I had lost about 10 kgs in weigh...
Just some things for people to think about. International Statistics from Link According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, as of December 2003, the following trends of the worldwide epidemic (or pandemic) of HIV are evident: Today, 40 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 37 million are adults and 2.5 million are children under 15. An estimated 5 million people acquired the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 2003 , includ...
Since having HIV the word positive has meant alot of different things to me. Pozzie, Poz, Positive. It's really ironic that the term for living with HIV is Positive . People keep saying to me be positive. I am. Ive learnt to live with this. Being Positive. Even though I would rather be negative. Im positive. Seems a funny play on words that we use. The virus works by attacking the immune system. More speciafically it attacks the part of the immune system called the T Cells or ...
On 14 June 2004 at 18:48:09 (Canberra time), the resident population of Australia is projected to be: 20,121,158 Link AIDS deaths to date: Worldwide estimates 21,800,000 (estimates until the end of 2001 Link Now imagine that the whole of the population of Australia was infected by HIV and died.. shocking hey.
Whats going on with the weather here in Oz at the moment? Currently outside the temperature is 18 degrees C. Todays temperature in Sydney was 26! It's winter and its almost 1.30am! Top temperatures for today are supposed to be 19! We havent had any substantial rain, our dams are drying up, there is the smell of bushfires in the air. This just doesnt seem right to me. Whats going on??? Things aren't as they should be here in Oz.
Ive been blogging like mad over the past few days. This has been due to the amazing post by MadPoet about Ryan White and Reagan. It's been really interesting to read what people have been writing and also heart breaking. Heart breaking because there is still a dramatic amount of stigmatism around this whole disease. Did you know that I cannot enter the UNited States because of my status? Because of my status I cannot get health insurance. Because of my status I am denyed relationships ...
Last nights episode of Big Brother was one that TV viewers in Oz should be very proud of. picture courtesy of the Sydney Morning Herald 14 June 2004 Merlin, the guy in the picture was evicted last night from the TV show Big Brother 4. He refused to talk yet made a silent protest about the plight of the refugees held in detention centres here in Oz. Good on you Merlin! They want reality TV. You gave it to them!
Well Winter has finally arrived here in OZ.. I knw ive said that before but the past couple of days its been really cold and windy! Its Saturday here.. the start of the first weekend for the past 2 years that I havent had my best mate around. Helped him move to the big smoke last weekend and he is enjoying his experience living up there. Im really happy for him but Im really gonna miss him. Guess it opens up the possibility for someone new to come into my life down here. Apparently we...
I tried to create another blog and link it to my original one..whenever I write a blog it tells me that the article doesnt exist. Help guys what am i doing wrong? It seems to be coming up in the recent articles and its tallying on the number of articles Ive written as well. But its not coming up? HELP! pleasenow people are getting into the articles but they arent showing up when i go to the site http://weightgain.joeuser.comso where are they posting to??
Last night i did something i normally wouldnt do. I rang up the local radio station who features a local psychic lady on Sunday nights. I asked her about some guidance for the moment in my life. She said to me that I had lots of Agels around me at the moment and that within the next six months i will recieve divine intervention in my life. She said that I will get into something that I dont really want to get into but to go with it and something magical will happen. She also said she s...
Well another weekend is finally here. Looking outside its another winters day.. we still havent had any rain and we are on water restrictions still. I wonder what sludge we are washing ourselves with thats coming from the bottom of the dams. We had a news item last night showing the town that was flooded when they built the dam which is now resurfacing. Bit scary actually considerig it hasnt been seen since it was flooded for the dam. Gotta start getting out there and doing a rain dance. ...
What did I do this weekend?? I slept! I've been eating so much this past couple of weeks that alot of the night I havent been sleeping, cause I've been hungry. But this weekend I've had at least 10 hours sleep each night. And boy have I needed it! Not only have I slept but I have had the most beautiful dreams. One of them was a dream about at leat 8 whales all playing in the ocean, I love whales they are my personal totem so dreaming about them makes it even more special because it'...
Seems like we are destined to have no rain this winter. This is very alarming. Does it mean the bushfire season will be worse this coming summer? Everything is all dried up. The grass is brown, the creeks arent flowing, the frogs seem to not croak anymore. Last month Sydney had 30mls of rain. Where did it fall? on the coastline where there are no dams. We cant water the gardens, well only on certain days at certain times. My herb garden is dying, my vegie patch is dwindling. My grevil...