The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
HIV AIDS Statistics worldwide.
Published on June 14, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Just some things for people to think about.

International Statistics from Link

According to the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS, as of December 2003, the following trends of the worldwide epidemic (or pandemic) of HIV are evident:

Today, 40 million people are estimated to be living with HIV/AIDS. Of these, 37 million are adults and 2.5 million are children under 15.

An estimated 5 million people acquired the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in 2003, including 4.2 million adults and 700,000 children under 15.

During 2003, AIDS caused the deaths of an estimated 3 million people, including 2.5 million adults and 500,000 children under 15.

And from: Link

The Majority of new adult HIV infections is among 15-24 year olds.

Between 75 and 85 out of every 100 HIV positive adults have been infected through unprotected sexual intercourse, with heterosexual, (male - female) intercourse accounting for over 70 cases and homosexual, (male-male) intercourse accounting for approximately 5 to 10 cases.

Transfusion of HIV infected blood and the sharing of HIV infected injection equipment by drug users account for 3-5%, and 5-10% of all adult global infections respectively.

Among HIV positive children, more than 90% were infected by their mothers, (vertical transmission) before or during birth, or through breast feeding. Roughly one third of mother-to-child transmission occurs through breast feeding. Therefore, breast-feeding is not recommended for women with HIV in industrialized countries, where safer nutritional alternatives are readily available. IN developing countries, however, psychosocial, and nutritional benefits and acquired natural defense against other diseases associated with breast-feeding have to be weight against the risk of HIV transmission through breast feeding. UNAIDS has issued an interim statement emphasizing the need to support women and families to make an informed decision with regards to breast feeding, according to their own situation.

All children of HIV-infected parents, regardless of their individual HIV status, are severely affected by the disease. UNAIDS currently estimates that over 9 million children under age 15 have lost their mothers to AIDS, and one in three children orphaned bye HIV / AIDS is younger than 5 years old. Once again the burden lies within developing nations, with 90% of maternal orphans living in sub-Saharan Africa.

and from: Link

Over 7.4 million people in Asia are living with HIV/AIDS, comprising nearly one fifth of the world's HIV infections, according to UNAIDS.

In India alone, around 4.6 million people are infected with HIV

Just some of the statistics for people to think about. Is this just a Gay disease?

on Jun 14, 2004

Is this just a Gay disease?

Hey Phoenixboi~totally cool article dude. Some very impressive statistics here. I personally think educating folks about the disease, and enough funding for research will bring us that much closer to a vaccine~and hopefully a cure at some point in the future. However, there is still so much hysteria and homophobia in the name of AIDS~never mind that many folks who contract it (like Ryan White) are not gay at all. And the situation in Africa is truly heartbreaking, etc.

I liked what you said about AIDS on my blog a lot. Your voice truly is one of the few sane ones I've heard. There were a few others (around six or seven JU bloggers) that knew the score. Then there were the others, huh? . OMG. I've been called everything you can think of: Sick, twisted, insane, cold, a liar, and even an asshole by one blogger that reminds me of Archie Bunker's long lost sister big time! .

But I am able to laugh at such a revealing response. Because Ronald Reagan is sacred to them. And I am actually reminding them of his many sins against humanity (if you stick with the religious analysis, etc.) . Because silence really did equal death during those dark Reagan years. And Ryan White was only one beautiful soul we lost~there were so many others! But he always stood out to me because he tried to make a difference. To educate the public. To encourage compassion. Yet the world gave him very little of that at the start. And Reagan's administration was indifferent to the point of being almost criminal. I was there. I lost too many friends. I watched Reagan sleep through his years in the White House. And Americans were dropping like flies all around him. Is that the definition of a great man? Or is Ryan White's response the greater one? You don't have to be an Einstein to figure it out. THANKS FOR HELPING TO EDUCATE US HERE! AND I PROMISE TO SEND YOU AN EMAIL SOON (I DIDN'T FORGET).


(aka MadPoet)

on Jun 14, 2004
Hey MadPoet.

Its surprising the amount of information that is out there regarding the silence in the Reagan years. Ive found a little and posted it on your Blog. It will be interesting to see what comments come from them if any.

What I find sad is that people equate HIV with other diseases such as heart disease. You dont see someone with heart disease discriminated against because of it? Not to the extent that people living with HIV do. We are made to feel dirty and ashamed. People are rejected by their families. Cast out like lepers. Does this sound like someone with heart disease?

Thanks for posting your article on Ryan White. His memory will live much longer and for greater reasons than that of Reagan. The triumph of the Human Spirit is greater than that of Power, Greed and Intolerance.

look forward to your email. Cheers mate!

on Jun 14, 2004
I don't think anyone in their right mind could claim HIV/AIDS is a gay diesease nowadays. The evidence is there for all to see. Sadly, the AIDS epidemic is currently spreading in underdeveloped countries and areas, places the Western world simply doesn't give a damn about. I doubt HIV has anything to worry about until it starts spreading throughout our Western civilisation again (which could be likely, people are getting complacent again). Pity that by then it might already be too late.
on Jun 14, 2004

What I find sad is that people equate HIV with other diseases such as heart disease. You dont see someone with heart disease discriminated against because of it? Not to the extent that people living with HIV do. We are made to feel dirty and ashamed. People are rejected by their families. Cast out like lepers. Does this sound like someone with heart disease?

Phoenixboi~excellent point! I really do think we make an awesome team dude! . You are a very fine writer. And I admire you for being so brave and strong. There is so much that you can teach us about inner strength and compassion. If only more folks would somehow open up their hearts and minds. BUT KEEP ON TEACHING US, HUH? AND THE MESSAGE WILL START TO BE HEARD BIG TIME!


P.S. Your insightful posts on my blog were much appreciated. Come back again soon, huh?

on Jun 14, 2004
I don't think anyone in their right mind could claim HIV/AIDS is a gay diesease nowadays. The evidence is there for all to see

I agree with you totally. My exact point in this blog.

I doubt HIV has anything to worry about until it starts spreading throughout our Western civilisation again (which could be likely, people are getting complacent again). Pity that by then it might already be too late

I believe that the next wave is coming with this. I see it in the young. They didnt live through the years that we did. Complaicency is one of the biggest causes. Also because of treatments, alot of the young believe it to be a non issue. Thinking it is better to get it now that way they dont have to worry about it. So by me blogging about living with this, hopefully it will ring home some truths.

Thanks for your comments Mack.
on Jun 14, 2004

Hopefully thats whats happening. Thanks again MadPoet for your blogs and your comments. Its very good to see this issue brought forward into this community. The pots being stirred.
