A goal I have set myself for this year is to see snow. Yeah Im 32 and never seen the snow.. so this year Im gonna get to it. Ive been tossing up whether to go to New Zealand and check it out there. Never been to NZ and it looks like a beautiful place especially in the South. So .. im putting it out there.. unless by some miracle it snows here where I am ... then Im gonna get out there and visit the snow, and ski.. and build myself a snowman! This should be fun!
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Over the past couple of years my sister has been raving on to me about how wonderful shopping online has been for her. She is a mad ebay shopper and has impressed me with the things she has managed to purchase from ebay. Ive totally resisited. That is because I know that if I start, it could be really dangerous. Because nothing is more dangerous to a queen than shopping. When it is made available in your own home.. well that is like dynamite in the wrong hands! I have resisited,... u...
The east coast of Australia at the moment is experiencing the worst drought for the past 100 years. If we dont get substantial rain soon Sydneys water supply will dry up within the next two years. Currently the dam levels are at 36% capacity and dropping every day. There are no contingency plans in place, but the government is looking at alternative forms of water supply including desalination plants. Out west it is so dry that there is no ground cover left only dirt. When the westerl...
In a recent conversation about family and gay people "sticking it in" for the sake of it and degrading the "family" unit in society, I started thinking about my own family. I have 2 sisters, both older than me, one with two children and the other with none (although she considers her dog her child).. but anyway.. Today my parents celebrate their 42nd wedding anniversary. Without them I wouldnt be here today (well not in this family and part of the world), so with that I can tell you that ...
For the past few nights I have been plagued by the most intense dreams I have had in a REALLY long time. Not only am I dreaming about situations that have me in other times and bodies but I am dreaming and smelling things, touching things, feeling hings I have never felt before and it is so real! Im not sure what is happening or why this is happening yet... but maybe .. jus maybe tonight I can get a good nights sleep without dreaming so intensly?
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Ratty Ratzinger.. in his first speech condemns gay marriages as "as fake and expressions of "anarchic freedom" that threatened the future of the family". What's new? And men in dresses don't? Phuleez!
This might solve alot of problems?
Here is a pic from www.nicholsoncartoons.com.au Reminds me of when the pot is stirred right here in JU.. Can you identify yourself here?
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One thing I am enjoying doing is searching the internet for some great images to post on my Blog. I found some great pics to cartoons to images ive also uploaded. The internet for me has become a changing entity. It used to be a primary way I would interact with alot of people having to be home alot and not being able to get out and socialise. But now, it is turning into a great big library, and my imagination is slowly coming back to life. I've got my digital camera fired up so in th...
At home we are getting some rewiring done of the house. So it has been my job over the past few days to get some quotes for the work to be carried out. Some are really dodgy and you can tell as soon as they walk in the door. Some are really professional and then... there are some who are just down right sexy! Oh what fantasies these tradesmen bring up
Do you ever feel like your in the middle of something but yet dont really know what it is? That is how I am feeling right now. Confused? Hmm... maybe Ill just go have a coffee and cigarette.
Is the Glass half full or Half empty ? What do you think?