The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Phoenixboi's Articles In Blogging » Page 4
June 1, 2005 by Phoenixboi
A guy in Sydney found $250 000 in an inner city laneway. Instead of handing in the money he kept it. He has now been arrested and charged with stealing. If he had handed the moeny into the police after thirty days had noone claimed the money it would have been his. Now he has forfieted his chance of claiming the money. Link So it begs the question. What would you have done? Knowing that that was the law I would have handed the money in, but not even knowing the laws I would hav...
June 1, 2005 by Phoenixboi
News a couple of weeks ago that one of Australia's mos popular pop stars Kylie Minogue had breast cancer shocked a nation and put Breast Cancer high on the minds of many women in Australia. Alot of women from that announcement thought it best to get themselves checked out. The former Neighbours star and now Pop diva is currently undergoing cancer treatment. Apparently all is going well with her. This morning I read in the paper that an entire ward which was housing elderly patients aw...
May 31, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I used to have dreams when I was a kid, horrible dreams about King Kong. The setting was always at my primary school. I used to run around the playground and the quadrangle and try and hide from this huge big monster. I went to a catholic primary school and there was a huge cathedral on the school grounds. In my dream I used to hide inside the church. But inside was dark. My eyes used to always find comfort in the statues of the saints and Mary and Jesus. Id wake up in a sweat. This d...
May 30, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I look back on my life and wonder wha is it that sparked an interest in the wonders of the universe and why we are here. As a kid I remember looking out to the night sky and wondering if we really were the only ones here. Inside me I knew this was not the case. I used to ask to be shown, to be taken away as I really didnt feel like I belonged here on this earth. Maybe this had to do with the fact that at the age of nine I knew I was somewhat different to everyone else. Different but d...
May 30, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Abu Bakar Bashir a convicted terrorist gets 30 months Jail for masterminding the BAli bombings which killed 202 people including 88 Aussies. Schapelle Corby gets 20 Years Jail for allegedly smuggling 4 kgs of Marijuana into Bali. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE??
May 28, 2005 by Phoenixboi
There has been a few strange bloggers on JU lately, some funny some not so funny and some who make you think. So it got me thinking. If you were me.. well if you were phoenixboi, what would you write about? This should be interesting.
May 27, 2005 by Phoenixboi
This is a call to all Australians and people everywhere who have been witnessing the injustice that was served today by the indonesian courts in Bali. I think we need to do as much as we can to help this woman who is clearly innocent. None of the evidence presented by the defence was taken into consideration. This is a slap in the face of all Asutralians especially those who have helped in the recent tragedies in Indonesia and lost their lives for them. Sign the petition, do what you...
May 26, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Well you might have noticed as of late I havent been posting very much if at all about being HIV. I guess there hasnt been anything to talk about. Im well. Im on my meds and everything is running according to how it should. It's almost a year since I was in hospital and since then everything has settled down...knock wood! In fact the last blood result I had was the best ever recorded for me! So Im just gonna keep doin what Im doin.. LIVE!
May 25, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Im ranting today..and here is why. I just woke up to this article .. Link where the Japanese government has basically told the Australian government that they will kill Humpback whales anyway, despite our Prime Minister asking in a letter to the Japanese Prime Minister not to go ahead with plans to kill at least 50 humpback whales a year for "scientific purposes". There are only 4000 humpback whales left in existence! Our Prime Minister wrote them a letter. The decent thing would hav...
May 25, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Tonight here in Australia we have the footy match called "state of origin" where queensland is up against nsw in a head to head battle of rugby league. Before the game starts they all stand up to sing the Australian National Anthem. Well.. this reminds me of when I was in the USA where everyone would stand and place their hand on their hearts and sing their anthm with pride. Not here, For those blockheads who dont know it, well Ill post the words for you.. Australians all let...
May 23, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Im loving the fact that I have caused a stir in JU recently about Guns. Oh the Passion! Oh the drama! Oh please.. just get over it..
May 22, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Ok.. Well there is a television show here in Oz that is called "My restaurant rules", > Link where couples are given a chance to win their own restaurant and 100 thousand dollars. Ive been watching this show since it first started and now we are down to the grand final. Tonight there were three teams remaining. Melbourne, Adelaide and Sydney. Melbourne was exempt from this vote and it was between Melbourne and Sydney. Even though I think the Melbourne team did well under the ci...
May 22, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I just read a great article .. Link which suggests from some recent important studies that Vitamin D .. the best source of it that is found in Sunshine, can significantly help to prevent alot of cancers and that for every skin cancer death 30 may be prevented by vitamin D exposure. And Sunscreen blocks Vitamin D. But word of caution there are many more factors.. so have a read of the article. Make you wonder why people feel good in the summer and gloomy in the winter. ...
May 21, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I danced and danced and danced all night! Man I got sore legs this morning... I wonder if it was just because of the dancing?? LW.. you would have been proud of me sister! Let's just say I have a new found fetish for leather and rope
May 21, 2005 by Phoenixboi
In all my time blogging with JU I have seen so many discussions brought up from politics to the spread of HIV to really anything you can think of.. One blogger who is someone to be commended is Bakerstreet. He really knows how to debate! And he really makes you think. Just want to take this opportunity to thank Baker!! Keep blogging man you make the mind tick and the brain active!