The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
what am i doing wrong?
Published on June 20, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
I tried to create another blog and link it to my original one..whenever I write a blog it tells me that the article doesnt exist. Help guys what am i doing wrong? It seems to be coming up in the recent articles and its tallying on the number of articles Ive written as well. But its not coming up?

HELP! please now people are getting into the articles but they arent showing up when i go to the site so where are they posting to??

on Jun 20, 2004
Can't help you here, but that sucks! And I just thought that someone was being overly self important submitting the same article 6 times! Hopefully someone a little more technologically savvy will come to your rescue very soon.
on Jun 20, 2004
It just wont come up! Every time i do submit an article it tells me that it doesnt exist yet its coming up in the list.. Sorry if it seems like i spamed things! I didnt realise it was doing that till i refreshed and had a look at the site.. How embarrasing!
on Jun 20, 2004
I wouldn't worry about it too much these boards are pretty quiet at this time of day.
I just read your 'Living with HIV' post and left you a comment. I don't know why I missed it before but I'll be reading your archives of articles (well, those that aren't shy and want to appear on the system) today.
Good luck with the postings!
on Jun 20, 2004
Thanks Floozie
I just saw that and gave you a reply!
on Jun 20, 2004
Its still not working but people are seeing the articles when they just click on it listed in the forums..but when i post it sayd to me Sorry. The article requested does not exist.
whats that mean??
and where is it being posted?
What am i supposed to do?
on Jun 20, 2004
Did you try shutting down and restarting your browser? Sometimes that helps. Or perhaps you could cross your fingers.
on Jun 20, 2004

Here, send an email to Patrick.. 

He's awesome, he'll know how to fix it.

Good luck!

on Jun 20, 2004
Did you try shutting down and restarting your browser?

yup done that nothing... and crossed my fingers!
on Jun 20, 2004
I just checked the technical manual. It says to place 1.5 feet of duct tape across the monitor screen and then to strike soundly with a 2.5 lbs hammer. Hope that fixes the problem.
on Jun 20, 2004
He's awesome, he'll know how to fix it.

Thanks Dharma!

will do that right now
on Jun 20, 2004

will do that right now

PB~hope everything worked out okay! Let us know, huh?
