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still feeling weird
Published on June 9, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
I woke up again this morning still feeling like I am in dreamstate. I dont like this feeling. I know something is about to happen. Why I dont like it is because I know something is about to happen but the thing is what. It is the what and when that I dont like.

Last time this happened which was only a couple of weeks ago my whole family was turned upsidedown in turmoil.

Maybe I should explain how I feel. My whole skin is tingling. Everything around me seems surreal and I seem to know when things are happening what is going to happen next like a deja vu, like I have dreamt it before. I get a sense of great impendings, like something is around the corner waiting. Do I sound paranoid? Yeah i think I do but it is how I feel and it has happened enough times in the past for me to stand up and take notice. I have to wait though. That's what I dont like, the waiting. But there isnt anything i can do about it. I just have to wait.

Last night I watched the second part to Angels in America. What a good movie! Al Pacino especially plays his character really well. Tonight is the conclusion. I wonder if it is out on video, Id like to see the whole movie as a whole again and take it in more.

The clouds have come over. It hasnt rained yet. We are still in major water restrictions and everything is drying up. I was watching the radar before and a huge rainband was coming over the mountains. But It disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Our dams are getting low. We havent got it as bad as what it is like in the country, its really dry out there. I cant remember the last time it rained. I think it was a couple of months ago. The clouds look more like storm clouds than rain clouds. I guess we are meant to suffer a little. We take for granted alot that we do have in Oz. Nothing major really happens here apart from a few footy scandals. We do live in the best continent on earth. I realised that when I went travelling and came back. I dont feel it is going to be like that forever though.

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