The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on June 25, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Well another weekend is finally here.

Looking outside its another winters day.. we still havent had any rain and we are on water restrictions still. I wonder what sludge we are washing ourselves with thats coming from the bottom of the dams. We had a news item last night showing the town that was flooded when they built the dam which is now resurfacing. Bit scary actually considerig it hasnt been seen since it was flooded for the dam. Gotta start getting out there and doing a rain dance. So at the moment we dont have enough water. Its not raining. People dont really care, they are used to turning the taps on and water is there. Well all I can say is suffer!. Get used to it. Understand what we have is good.

Ive been in the city for a couple of days. I got to meet a friend i been chatting to on the net for five years but we have never met face to face. It was really good! We talked for hours, it was like meeting a friend ive known for ages, really comforting.

Been reading the papers. The government wants to put the pescriptions up by 20%, and the opposition labor party has agreed to it. Means medications are going to rise in price. Fucking pharmaceutical companies are going to make more money. Like they need it. I guess putting more money into things like war and businesses that make pollution is a high priority for our government. Fuck the people who need it most. This world really has got its priorities wrong. People who are on pensions will have to pay about a dollar more for their drugs. doesnt sound much but if you dont have it you dont have it. And if your on a pension your on it for a reason.

What am i gonna do this weekend?

on Jun 26, 2004

People who are on pensions will have to pay about a dollar more for their drugs.

PB~cool article dude. I got a real sense of what your world is like all the way over there, huh? Actually, here in good old U.S.A.~it's not just the elderly on pensions having to pay more for their meds. The Medicaid situation here is a disaster. Mentally ill folks in their thirties and forties are actually contributing more money now (I have to pay an extra $3 per prescription~and I have a lot of 'em). Yet we are being stripped of services right and left. No individual therapy for the mentally ill anymore. Shell out some more dollars for your meds~even if it means you might have to cut back on other important  things you really need which you  can no longer afford. Some very sick folks have actually been driven to suicide~it's really gotten that bad. I've lost two friends like that~so far. But not me, huh? I'm gonna keep on kickin' it big time!  And write my intense little poems. And I know you are a survivor too mate~that's how come I think you are one of the coolest dudes I ever met here before. Keep on being a survivor mate!


P.S. Did you see that last comment I left for you on my Crazy in America blog yet? I wasn't sure...

on Jun 26, 2004
here in good old U.S.A.~it's not just the elderly on pensions having to pay more for their meds

Hey Madpoet
yeah here too! Its everyone having to pay 20% more.

But not me, huh? I'm gonna keep on kickin' it big time!

For sure! I wouldnt expect anything less of you my friend!

Did you see that last comment I left for you on my Crazy in America blog yet? I wasn't sure...

yeah i replied to you! didnt you see it?
on Jun 26, 2004

yeah i replied to you! didnt you see it?

PB~yeah, I saw one (or even two?) that you left there. But then I think I left you another one~right after Dharma left me a comment? Did you see those? Well, I only slept three hours last night, so maybe I have finally gone crazy big time! . I guess I'll have to go ever there and take another peek. Keep on blogging big time mate!


P.S. You never told me who your favorite poet is? And what music/bands you get into?

on Jun 26, 2004
Favourite Poet...Les Murray an Ozzie poet or Coleridge
Music ...Chillout music ..things like Cafe del Mar, Buddha Bar..

What you getting upto this weekend?