The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Phoenixboi's Articles In Politics
September 23, 2004 by Phoenixboi
If this article is true then the political system in America is no better than that it Malaysia or China or Zimbabwae for that matter! If this article is true what systems are in place to stop it from happening?? Link Politics sucks.. I think we need to invent a new system of governance!
October 2, 2004 by Phoenixboi
How to beat the dodgy preference deals and get TheGreens’ John Kaye into the Senate This is a warning to the progressive community in NSW. The balance of power in the senate could be won by right wing religious fundamentalists or other conservatives because of unprincipled preference deals by the ALP and Democrats. Voting Greens in the senate is the safest way to ensure that this does not happen. Please distribute this email widely amongst your networks and contacts. The ALP and...
October 15, 2004 by Phoenixboi
Well I just got this in my inbox ... does this mean it's true?? Well time will tell. Bush Vs. Kerry: The War Among the Planets The upcoming U.S. Presidential election takes place at a crucial time in the history of the human race. Everyone knows that America is the only Super Power. This means whoever becomes the President is going to decide the course of human history. Not only are there wars everywhere in the Middle East, Africa, etc., but also killer diseases like AIDS are ca...
October 25, 2004 by Phoenixboi
Im seeing an increasing campaign of terror. Lock your doors. Tape up your windows. Hold onto what you hold dear. Are you afraid? The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling! The sky is falling all around us! We will save you, listen to us. Make me your leader. I will take all you hold dear and turn it into gold. From my mouth comes a sword that will destroy all that comes in the way of our freedom. Do you hear what I am saying to you? Open your ears or I will open them for you. Are you afr...
November 24, 2004 by Phoenixboi
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
March 13, 2005 by Phoenixboi
March 19, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Once again the Australian government is showing it's hypocracy when it comes to the War on Terror and its fight for Democracy. Here is a news article from the Australian Associated Press: PM coerced by Beijing, says Brown March 19, 2005 - 4:46PM The Australian Government has been coerced into ignoring human rights issues by a belligerent regime in China, Greens Senator Bob Brown said today. At a conference of Chinese democracy advocates in Sydney today, Senator Brown called for b...
March 17, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Well well.. A few days ago Taiwan asked Australia if it would support it if China were to attack them for Unification. Australia refused to show it's support. Now we have this in the news.. Australia is in negotiations to sell China uranium. Link Sure they are saying that it would be only if it wasn't used as a means of making nuclear weapons.. but who is going to stop them once they have the uranium in their hot little hands? Sure they can sign treaties but do you really trust Ch...
March 31, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I just read this news story : Link and think about how in the heck we are to become an intermediary between the US and China should situations between the two countries escalate. Would either country listen to us? Could Johnny become the great pacifier?..
June 4, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Reading an article from the washington post regarding Rumsfields remarks about Chinas miliary buildup and its effects Link and then reading about Australias plans to sell Uranium to China .. Link makes me think.. Is Australia and the USA really allied?
June 9, 2005 by Phoenixboi
While looking through blogs online I came across a blog Link where someone has posted about Terrorists using a gaming site to post terrorist messages. So I took a look. Link It's an Xbox forum and it's in Arabic, but if you go to the translation site Link and join up you can translate what they have said.. It is really interesting and amazing the lengths these guys are going to to not get detected. Well they think they arent being detected. Take a look.. youll really b...
July 10, 2008 by Phoenixboi
In the next week Sydney will be overtaken by Catholics from around the planet as the pope and his ilk descend on our city for world youth day. Not only is this costing us 92 million tax payer dollars but it is also going to disrupt the entire city with road blocks and road closures. What has also happened is that our state government has passed laws which in effect take away the rights of the citizens of this city to protest. We are coming to know it as the 'Annoyance law". This means that if an...