The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
just an observation
Published on October 25, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Politics
Im seeing an increasing campaign of terror. Lock your doors. Tape up your windows. Hold onto what you hold dear.
Are you afraid?
The Sky is falling! The Sky is falling! The sky is falling all around us! We will save you, listen to us.
Make me your leader. I will take all you hold dear and turn it into gold. From my mouth comes a sword that will destroy all that comes in the way of our freedom. Do you hear what I am saying to you? Open your ears or I will open them for you.
Are you afraid?
Will you kill for me? Will you give your offspring for me?
I am your leader. Iam your Saviour ..the fighter for your freedom.
Are you afraid?
Love me, Adore me, Worship me.
Who will you choose?
Now is the time to choose.


on Oct 25, 2004


Does that answer your question?

- Grim X
on Oct 25, 2004
Im seeing an increasing campaign of terror. Lock your doors. Tape up your windows. Hold onto what you hold dear.

Don't forget to put on your tin foil beanie!!
on Oct 25, 2004
nice imagery, especially From my mouth comes a sword that will destroy all that comes in the way of our freedom. you're a very effective writer.
on Oct 25, 2004

excellent post

I heard on the radio today, somebody said, "I live in a 9/12 world, not a 9/10 world." I don't want to discount the tragedy of 9/11, but I don't like that way of looking at things.
on Oct 25, 2004
I got the "fear" part. But who's offering the "love" part?
on Oct 26, 2004

I love Love and I fear Fear. ..
on Oct 26, 2004
Don't forget to put on your tin foil beanie!!

Hey you think maybe Dharma might be able to come up with one for me? She makes a fabulous beenie!
on Oct 26, 2004
nice imagery

Thanks Leaping Lizard...
on Oct 26, 2004
I don't want to discount the tragedy of 9/11, but I don't like that way of looking at things.

Hey Myrrander.. I think 9/11 was a huge turning point in the way the western world looks at things. I also feel that somehow there is more to it and from that point Humanity as a whole had a choice about what direction it wanted to take. I hope that this choice will be made clear in the next few years. I feel like we have become complaicent in the way we live on this fragile world. As a human race there has got to be a certain point where we all have to look at things and say to ourselves.. hey this isnt working.. we need to move on a different path.
on Oct 26, 2004
Hey you think maybe Dharma might be able to come up with one for me? She makes a fabulous beenie!

HAHA! I think we might be able to get her to do it... if we ask nicely... HAHA!
on Oct 26, 2004
But who's offering the "love" part?

I think it is upto each and everyone of us to work on that part, not to hand over our power to individuals who are all equiped with egos and agendas, that we arent always aware of until it is much too late. It is time for each community to stand up and say what they want, to stand up and take back control of their lives. I feel like we are all walking around blind being led into some sort of world we will not be happy in, yet we accept it as a certainty.
on Oct 26, 2004
I think we might be able to get her to do it... if we ask nicely

I think it could be a great market for the military.. an aside ... when are we playing basketball???