Could be. Bush has stated unequivocally that there be no Unilateral talks with Kim Jung mentally Il.
I doubt the relations between China and the US will reach that stage unless China attacks Taiwan. Then,I am sorry to say, no one can mediate. First Taiwan (Sudentanland), then Vietnam (Austria), then Der Weld!
Heil Mao! Sig heil!
maybe we will leave it to you. We are tired of being whipped like a loyal dog.
George wont, so you will never know. Contrary to popular belief, we dont attack innocents. Unless you think 14 UN resolutions and 500,000 dead Iraqis to be just a minor inconvenience and not any thing of consequence.
Also, while America and Pakistan are very much in bed together, I think India is far less worried about Pakistan than China (where they also have a border dispute) as Pakistan has not shown any attempt (other than the disputed Kashmir region) of imperialism, China has (Tibet). It is an alliance of convenience for both, but with the disolution of the USSR, (who was India's foil against both the US and China), they dont have much choice in the matter.