The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Phoenixboi's Articles In Blogging
January 15, 2007 by Phoenixboi
Yeah I nearly wet myself, with excitement! Yesterday we had the great opportunity to check out the spectacular Comet that is in our skies at the moment. Comet McNaught. I have been reading how folks in the northern hemisphere have had a great show of this comet which wasn't supposed to be so bright. Now they are saying it is the brightest in 40 years, and to boot it is also a daytime comet which if you have the right equipment you can see it in the middle of the day. So just as the Su...
January 3, 2007 by Phoenixboi
Is it 2007 already? I dunno about you but to me it really doesn't feel like a new year has begun. The Summer has been cooler, I haven't been for a real swim as yet and things just dont seem right here down under. It's funny how everything around you determines the way you feel on the inside. Recently I turned 34. My hair is starting to get glimpses of grey and the lines on my face are starting to show. Funny how I didnt think that would ever eventuate. I'm still here though an...
July 27, 2005 by Phoenixboi
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June 13, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Take this test.. You scored as Hinduism . Your views are most similar to those of... Hinduism! Do some research on Hinduism and possibly consider becoming Hindu, if you aren't already. Hinduism 88% Buddhism 83% Paganism 75% Satanism 58% Islam 54% Christianity 50% Judaism 38% atheism 38% agnosticism 25% ...
June 8, 2005 by Phoenixboi
The east coast of Australia at the moment is experiencing the worst drought for the past 100 years. If we dont get substantial rain soon Sydneys water supply will dry up within the next two years. Currently the dam levels are at 36% capacity and dropping every day. There are no contingency plans in place, but the government is looking at alternative forms of water supply including desalination plants. Out west it is so dry that there is no ground cover left only dirt. When the westerl...
June 7, 2005 by Phoenixboi
For the past few nights I have been plagued by the most intense dreams I have had in a REALLY long time. Not only am I dreaming about situations that have me in other times and bodies but I am dreaming and smelling things, touching things, feeling hings I have never felt before and it is so real! Im not sure what is happening or why this is happening yet... but maybe .. jus maybe tonight I can get a good nights sleep without dreaming so intensly?
June 6, 2005 by Phoenixboi
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June 6, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Ratty Ratzinger.. in his first speech condemns gay marriages as "as fake and expressions of "anarchic freedom" that threatened the future of the family". What's new? And men in dresses don't? Phuleez!
June 6, 2005 by Phoenixboi
This might solve alot of problems?
June 5, 2005 by Phoenixboi
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June 2, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Do you ever feel like your in the middle of something but yet dont really know what it is? That is how I am feeling right now. Confused? Hmm... maybe Ill just go have a coffee and cigarette.
June 2, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Is the Glass half full or Half empty ? What do you think?
June 1, 2005 by Phoenixboi
News a couple of weeks ago that one of Australia's mos popular pop stars Kylie Minogue had breast cancer shocked a nation and put Breast Cancer high on the minds of many women in Australia. Alot of women from that announcement thought it best to get themselves checked out. The former Neighbours star and now Pop diva is currently undergoing cancer treatment. Apparently all is going well with her. This morning I read in the paper that an entire ward which was housing elderly patients aw...
May 31, 2005 by Phoenixboi
I used to have dreams when I was a kid, horrible dreams about King Kong. The setting was always at my primary school. I used to run around the playground and the quadrangle and try and hide from this huge big monster. I went to a catholic primary school and there was a huge cathedral on the school grounds. In my dream I used to hide inside the church. But inside was dark. My eyes used to always find comfort in the statues of the saints and Mary and Jesus. Id wake up in a sweat. This d...
May 30, 2005 by Phoenixboi
Abu Bakar Bashir a convicted terrorist gets 30 months Jail for masterminding the BAli bombings which killed 202 people including 88 Aussies. Schapelle Corby gets 20 Years Jail for allegedly smuggling 4 kgs of Marijuana into Bali. WHERE IS THE JUSTICE??