In one of my recent articles about prized possessions there are a few comments about people owning guns and how it is their prized posession. In Australia, we have strict gun ownership laws. The average person doesnt own a gun here. I mean why else would you own a gun unless you were going to kill something or someone? Sure I can see people saying that it their right to own a gun, be it for collectors items or for personal protection, but surely the only reason you would own a gun i...
Just a couple of days after I wrote this article on how we are buying foreign goods and how it is hurting the local economies Link The US Government has put a limit on imports of Chinese made textile products into the country. Link Almost as if they read my blog.. Well.. who knows. Maybe they are really listening!
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Do you live in California? Are you worried about when the next earthquake is about to strike? Well fear no more! Now you can tune into a website which forcasts the likelihood of Earthquakes in the Californian area over the next 24 hours. This is great science innovation stuff! Here's the link.. Link
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After almost a year being on Joeuser.. I really had no idea that there was another site called wincustomize that was linked with this site and that I could do some amazing things over there that had benefit to my blog. I feel a little silly ... but.. now.. I feel like I have found a whole new window of opportunity that exists with JU! If you had no idea as well and you want to explore this more then get over to Link wincustomize and see what more JU has to offer you!
Did you buy anything today? Or have you made a purchase recently? If you did, where was it made? Did you support your local economy, or was what you brought today made in a foreign country? More specifically was it made in a country where workers were paid next to nothing to make it for you? What did you buy today? Most of what we as consumers buy is made in a foreign country. More than likely what you as a consumer brought was made in a country such as China, where workers were...
Read this article by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach Link . Do you think your to blame for your partners insecurities and falabilities?
Where does a circle begin? Often we find ourselves back to what seems like the begining of something we left a long time before. We hear the term "full circle" and we think we are back to the beginning again. But are we really at the beginning? If we look back to the beginning, are we now the same person as we were back then? Im hoping that we would have grown, learnt from what we have lived and taken those lessons onboard and molded them into our beings. Where does a circle ...
Japan once again after 30 years want to start killing humpback whales ...for "scientific purposes".. umm Im sorry but you dont kill humpback whales. Period. Im outraged that this might be allowed to happen.
Korea is planning on opening a Whale processing factory.. this has got to be stopped. Link Ok go to the link above and do your thing!
John Denver eat your heart out! I drove eleven hours yesterday all the way back to my home town. Im back, things are good.. Ill write more about what is happening soon, and all you activists out there.. get ready for a new cause that is gonna need your help! HINT: SAVE THE WHALES!
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Well It's time today to fly back up the coast and see where things lay and make a final decision about moving back or staying up ther.e. I've been thinking about coming back to my home town, but something tells me that I should stick it out up there for a little while. Ill see how I feel when I get there. Wish me luck. If Im not online much in the next couple of weeks it's because of the lack of net coverage where I will be staying with my mate.. But don't stop thinking bout me! HU...
What makes you feel free? We talk about freedom like it is something that we have a right to. But what is it that makes us feel free? AND what are we free from? We all have to work to make a living so we can buy things to live, we all have responsibilities each and every day. So what is it that is free? And if there is such a thing as freedom, then are you feeling it?