The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on May 19, 2005 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
In one of my recent articles about prized possessions there are a few comments about people owning guns and how it is their prized posession.

In Australia, we have strict gun ownership laws. The average person doesnt own a gun here.

I mean why else would you own a gun unless you were going to kill something or someone?

Sure I can see people saying that it their right to own a gun, be it for collectors items or for personal protection, but surely the only reason you would own a gun is so that you could shoot it and kill.

Im glad we have the gun laws we have here. Im glad our government has taken a stand. There are too many crazy people out there and i wouldnt want them having a gun. it would be too easy to use and our crime rate would be much higher.

Sure there are sensible people out there who own guns. But it doesnt make sense to me that most keep their guns locked away hidden, with the amunition stored in a seperate place if they want to use it for self protection then it would take a bit of time to crank it all up to use. Does it make them feel more secure owning a gun? I would be more worried that there was one in the house let alone someone coming to shoot me.

But you know Im glad that in our society here in Australia this is a very rare occurence. The average joe doesnt have a gun and therefore is less likely to go out and use one.

Heck I havent even seen a gun up close let alone fired one.

I feel safe. I have no thoughts to use or own one.

Comments (Page 1)
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on May 19, 2005
I mean why else would you own a gun unless you were going to kill something or someone?

Well, you know, compensation
on May 19, 2005

In one of my recent articles about prized possessions there are a few comments about people owning guns and how it is their prized possession.

In Australia, we have strict gun ownership laws. The average person doesn't own a gun here.

I mean why else would you own a gun unless you were going to kill something or someone?

Sure I can see people saying that it their right to own a gun, be it for collectors items or for personal protection, but surely the only reason you would own a gun is so that you could shoot it and kill.

I'll leave you with one word that negates your entire argument. The word is "competition"! Go do a little searching my friend. Austrailias crime rate is "higher" now than it ever was before they took away the guns.

Im glad we have the gun laws we have here. Im glad our government has taken a stand. There are too many crazy people out there and i wouldnt want them having a gun. it would be too easy to use and our crime rate would be much higher.

I also don't think it's fair that some should be made to do without just because some idiots can not control themselves.
on May 19, 2005
I believe in the right to bear arms and I have shot and continue to shoot guns. I enjoy shooting guns at the range to better my aim and for the sheer joy of shooting. Some people have competitions to see who shoots the best. Of course there is also the fact that guns can act as self defense weapon and while you may feel safe now, I wonder how you would feel if someone was threatening your life. It DOES happen whether you want to admit that or not.

Saying that guns are for killing people only is like saying cars are for killing people only. Think about it. They are both deadly weapons and yet no one gets all up in arms about cars and hands out a license to anybody who shows up and forks over the required payment. With guns, to get a license, you have have to go through quite a bit. Just because criminals have used guns does not make all gun owners criminals. The same that just because some drink and drive does not make all drivers drunks.

Guns do not kill people. Cars do not kill people. Knives do not kill people. Chain saws do not kill people. It's the person behind those objects that kill people and to insist on controling everyone is neither fair nor right. Thank God I live in the U.S. And as the person stated above, in Australia and in Britian, crime did not fall, crime ROSE. But spin the story whichever way you want to make yourself feel better. In the meantime, I will continue going to the range, practicing, getting better and better at tight shot groups and enjoying the companionship, the friendships and the smell of gun powder in addition to knowing that should anyone ever break into my home or threaten my life, I will not be the one dead at the end of the whole incident.
on May 19, 2005
If you want to play that silly little game, I bet I could go through your house and find all sorts of things you bought, just for killing. Do you have anti bacterial cleaners? What do you think they do, invite the living microbes in your skin, or in your home to leave quietly and no one gets hurt? Do you take anti biotics? Hmmmm Anti (against) Biotics (life), I wonder what those were designed to do? Do you think they only kill the microbes that are threatening your health? No, they don't discriminate between good and bad, they kill everything within the limits of their receptor sites. In fact, in the field of medicine, many of the chemicals we call "drugs" are actually poisons. Used in different routes and dosages almost all of them are poisons.

Many of those poisons and meds you have around your house have been used as murder weapons. Do you own a car? How many animals and people have been killed by cars... many intentionally.

In short, having a gun in the house makes it no more or less "safe" for people than most of the chemicals and medications in your home.

As for why a person should or shouldn't own a gun, why would any freedom loving person demand the government even ask that question?
on May 19, 2005

on May 19, 2005
Hmmm, perhaps Australia should outlaw rocks. Last time I checked you could kill someone with a rock.
on May 19, 2005
Sorry Phoenix, but this guys do make a point. Guns are truly dangerous, just as anything else we want to use as a weapon.

Having a strict gun ownership however isnt bad, at the contrary, i think it regulates who can own a gun. Just like a driving licence. If you respect a certain code, you are entitled to own a gun.
on May 20, 2005
Guns do not kill people. Cars do not kill people. Knives do not kill people. Chain saws do not kill people. It's the person behind those objects that kill people and to insist on controling everyone is neither fair nor right. Thank God I live in the U.S. And as the person stated above, in Australia and in Britian, crime did not fall, crime ROSE. But spin the story whichever way you want to make yourself feel better. In the meantime, I will continue going to the range, practicing, getting better and better at tight shot groups and enjoying the companionship, the friendships and the smell of gun powder in addition to knowing that should anyone ever break into my home or threaten my life, I will not be the one dead at the end of the whole incident.

Gun control=the ability to hit ones target!
Here ya go Phoenixboi, this might help:


or this:


And these two should make you feel real safe:

on May 20, 2005
NOt a very well thought out article. My reply.

Are people killed during the olympic biathalon? There are tens of thousands of marksmanship competitions around the world every year.

Regardless of bleeding heart sentiment, the anti-hunting drones don't have any reasonable suggestions about controling animal populations, and mass-famine, disease, traffic, etc., aren't preferable to hunting in the minds of anyone with a soul.

Somthing like 25% of Australian homes have a gun last I read. There are numerous examples of how the lack of species control in Australia has wrought havoc on the environment there.

Switzerland makes ownership of fully-automotic military rifles mandatory for a large part of their population because of their public militia. DO you hear of many people going postal there?

To many of us who have lived our lives around guns, in communities where gun ownership is the standard, and who have NEVER SEEN A KILLING, the assertion of this article is either ignorant or dishonest.
on May 20, 2005

Guns are for Killing.  And sometimes it is necessary.  A Rabid Dog (dingo), dangerous viper, mortally wounded deer.  There are plenty of instances where killing is not only necessary, but humane.

Bows and Arrows are for killing.  Much more sporting than a gun, but that is their purpose as well.

Knives are for killing.  And cutting, but the cutting comes after the killing.

Many things in life can be said to have only one use, when in fact if that were really the case, they would long ago have been relegated to antiquity (Seen any Maces lately?).

I dont own a Gun.  Never have.  But that is my personal decision.  I would not force my decision on others just because I dont own one.  That is totalitarianism.

on May 20, 2005
Austrailias crime rate is "higher" now than it ever was before they took away the guns.

Is it to do with the guns though?
I also don't think it's fair that some should be made to do without just because some idiots can not control themselves.

Why would you want to own one unless your going to shoot something or someone?
on May 20, 2005
Ok ive read all your responses.. and what im seeing is that you guys mostly are living in a society where living with guns is acceptable and actually a part of your society. Where I am coming from it is not the norm, so it isnt something that most people I associate with or live around think about, so for me it is something totally foreign, we dont need guns here to live or to protect ourselves or to kill anything.

Someone brought up the argument about cars and that they can be used to kill.. sure they can, but what else can a gun be used for apart from killing or shooting at something? I dont see any other practical uses for a gun. Maybe someone can enlighten me with this?

Owning a gun makes it easy to use that option if needed in a violent situation. Not having a gun doesnt make that option available, therefore in those situations no one would get shot.

I guess we just live in two different societies.
on May 20, 2005
Austrailias crime rate is "higher" now than it ever was before they took away the guns.

Is it to do with the guns though?

Could it to be to do with the LACK of guns?

England doesn't allow it's citizens to carry guns. The crime rate in the UK is atrociously high...but it's a different type of crime. There are more strabbings and slashings and beatings over there than here, mainly because (IMO) they don't have guns so knives are the next best thing. If they DID have guns, I think we'd be hearing about a ton more of shootings instead of stabbings.
on May 20, 2005
So, you would ban an object out of what you admit is your own ignorance? Ok, so you don't understand guns or why anyone would want one... fair enough. But please tell me how that is justification for a ban?

Bans are nothing more than the government deciding what law abiding citizens shouldn't have access to. If you are going to advocate the government throwing me in jail for owning something, you'd better have a much better reason than "I dont see any other practical uses for a gun."

Look around your home, how many things do you own that have no "practical" use. Ask yourself if you can see the logic in making you a criminal simply because you own any of those things.
on May 20, 2005

but it's a different type of crime. There are more strabbings and slashings and beatings over there than here, mainly because (IMO) they don't have guns so knives are the next best thing.

YOur statement and Phoenixboi's go hand in hand.  Yes, Guns make it easier to kill, but Killers are going to kill regardless of the availabilty of guns.

Banning Guns does not reduce crime.  Criminals are not made by the weapons they own.

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