The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Phoenixboi's Articles In Current Events » Page 2
November 1, 2004 by Phoenixboi
Well Well Well What a surprise. One day before a US election and.. Oh my goodness.. Oil has now fallen below $50 US a barrel... Coincidence? I think not. Link
October 31, 2004 by Phoenixboi
Well well well .. I think I have worked it out.. The real reson behind Osamas new video is to take the limelight out of his Brothers new Perfume release! Yes it's true ..Yeslam Bin Laden the brother of Osama has released a perfume which he describes as "out of this world". Now will you be going out there rushing to buy this one? Will you even be curious enough to have a wiff of what it might smell like? I think it's all extremely funny to me.. heres the link... Link ...
October 28, 2004 by Phoenixboi
Just when you thought you were safe eating those Red Smarties ..think again! What do you know... the food colouring in Red smarties is made from crushing red female cochineal beetles found in central America. Link So who cares? Do you check the labels on your food to see what is in the fine ingredients? This reminds me of when I was a vegetarian.. and that was for 15 years of my life. I used to read all the labels, peruse restaurants for vegetarian meals and even watc...
June 16, 2004 by Phoenixboi
The world is turning to dust, with increasingly vast areas becoming desert wastelands every year and threatening to send millions of people fleeing to greener countries, the United Nations says. In Australia, irrigation systems are pumping up salty water and slowly poisoning some farms, just one of many problems the world body has highlighted. One-third of the earth's surface is now at risk, it says, driving people into cities and destroying agriculture in vast swaths of Africa. Thirty-...