The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
it's out of this world!
Published on October 31, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Current Events
Well well well ..
I think I have worked it out..

The real reson behind Osamas new video is to take the limelight out of his Brothers new Perfume release!
Yes it's true ..Yeslam Bin Laden the brother of Osama has released a perfume which he describes as "out of this world".

Now will you be going out there rushing to buy this one? Will you even be curious enough to have a wiff of what it might smell like?

I think it's all extremely funny to me..

heres the link...


on Nov 01, 2004
Pefume? What's it called? Suicide Bomber pour Homme? I wonder if it will set off alarms at the airport explosive detection sensors.
on Nov 01, 2004
Im wondering the same!

Will you go out and spray it on yourself??
on Nov 01, 2004
I'll bet it smells like goat's ass and cheetos.
on Nov 01, 2004
goat's ass and cheetos.

Ewwwwwwwww what a combination

I was thinking a Rat!
on Nov 01, 2004
goat's ass and cheetos

Haha! You never cease to amaze me.