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And Then Life
The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Why do you judge me?
Published on March 14, 2005 By
I am Gay. I have HIV. So what?
Does this give you the right to judge me?
Does it mean im doomed to eternal damnation?
Take a look at your own life. Take a look at what makes you so judgemental.
Before my sexuality and my illness I am human. I have a heart and a soul just like you.
Take a look in the mirror... does what I am make you feel so uncomfortable that you need to condemn me?
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on Mar 14, 2005
As referenced in the bible, he who hath no sin, throw the first stone. It's funny how these "christians" who are supposed to be loving and acceptable as their religion says, are always the first to throw the stone.
I agree forever.. this is generally the case, not all but mostly.
I know that is in the Bible, however, that relations between two of the same gender is wrong. Never mind.
So is being short, and wearing glasses, and eating oysters and pigs.
God loves you, just as He does everybody
And that is all that matters
on Mar 14, 2005
I agree with pretty much everything Rightwinger said.
However, if you don't even believe in the Bible, then why even argue that homosexuality is or isn't a sin? Why feel the need to justify yourself with people whose beliefs you don't even share? That'd be like me trying to justify my love for my iBook to some Monks of some Eastern religion who say that if I do not shed my earthly possessions, I will be reincarnated into a pig.
on Mar 14, 2005
PB - I love You
As a Christian and as your friend I love you
on Mar 14, 2005
So is being short, and wearing glasses
on Mar 14, 2005
Well, there were many laws that the Lord required the Jews to follow in the Old Testament, but Jesus fulfilled those laws, essentially making it so that we need no longer follow them. However, some things were confirmed as still being sin in the New Testament.
It's the same reason we don't have to perform sacrifices anymore.
on Mar 14, 2005
Ok, first phoenix, not all Christians are like that. I don't judge people. I might disagree with what people do but it's none of my business. I personally don't think that God hates you. God is about loving each other and treating each other with respect. I don't think that you are damned for all eternity like some others might say. God loves everyone no matter what. He may dislike what some do but it's kind of like being a parent. You love your kids no matter what even when you hate what they are doing. I don't care about your sexuality or your HIV status. I have read what you have written and I think you are a very intelligent, well-spoken person. I hope you continue writing here. Take care.
on Mar 14, 2005
Christians who chant the mantra of "God hates fags" are wrong; God doesn't hate anybody; He hates sin. Good luck to you
Good point.. although who says it is a sin?
I answer this only as an answer, not as judgement or anything close to it. As long as what you do with your life does not interfer with mine there are no problems. You asked who says it's a sin? God does, read the story of Soddom and Gomorrah.
Texas Wahine
on Mar 14, 2005
Phoenixboi: As far as I am concerned, you are one of the most caring, loving, beautiful people on the planet. There is no judgment here...only admiration.
on Mar 14, 2005
Phoenixboi: As far as I am concerned, you are one of the most caring, loving, beautiful people on the planet
I know you're trying to make him feel better, but this is a very broad statement. You're not so bad yourself, Tex.
Well, there were many laws that the Lord required the Jews to follow in the Old Testament, but Jesus fulfilled those laws, essentially making it so that we need no longer follow them. However, some things were confirmed as still being sin in the New Testament.
It's the same reason we don't have to perform sacrifices anymore.
Yeah; I know about that, but the short and glasses thing.....that threw me. What's he talking about?
God loves you, just as He does everybody
And that is all that matters
Now, don't break that line up and take it out of context. The last ten words count just as much as the ones you highlighted.
Pb...Please don't take this poorly, but unless I'm reading you wrong, those of us here who meet what you have to say from a Christian perspective seem to be met with a little resistance or a mildly derisive attitude.
On the other, hand, the people who tell you how wonderful you are are responded to with sweet thanks and kindness.
Is that because we're not being cheerleaders for you and telling it's A-okay and just perfectly grand for you to be living your lifestyle the way you are?
Because we're telling you that, for all the good there may be in you, there will be, according to our beliefs, at least, consequences down the road for you, as there will be for all of us who don't follow the path laid down for us?
I'm not going to tell you that what you're doing is right; that would be serious disservice to you.
You seem to be a good person with a good heart, overall. You don't want me to judge you and, according to the teachings I believe in, I won't. But, as I alluded to in an above post, I am free to disagree with what you do according to Scripture. Once again, Pb...good luck to you. Keep writing.
Champas Socialist
on Mar 15, 2005
"Yeah; I know about that, but the short and glasses thing.....that threw me. What's he talking about?"
The book many Xians quote when claiming the Bible says homosexuality is a sin is Lavitticus (or however you spell it), and it has references to some, well, prettty weird things, including references to short people and vision impaired people. Most of these parts of that book are dismissed by modern Christians as being things that were right for the time but no longer relevant, yet they cling to that part of the book for reasons I haven't yet got my head around but am willing to hear about.
on Mar 15, 2005
actually....i can find "parts" in the New Testament that says it is a sin....but, why would/should I? It isn't going to change anything in what he does or doesn't do.
In fact, I have before....and the answer I received was that Paul was wrong...and that Paul was hated by the early church, so therefore, his writings do not matter.
The thing I wonder is this: If a person does not believe in sin, or believes that what they are doing is sin....why do they get so bent out of shape what others think about them? I have been told many many times that what i believe is going to send me to hell, and that what I believe is a doctrine from the Devil himself....do I let that bother me? NO.....why should I? It isn't them that has to either pay or recieve whatever reward or punishment I end up with.....
Getting so angry because someone "judged" you....who cares.....ppl get judged wrongly all the time....church members....family members....everyone judges everyone else....
In fact....PB even judges those who call themselves Christians....then demands that they do not judge him....Personally, I say get over yourself....do whatever the hell you want to do....but you have nobody to blame but yourself if what you do is wrong in the eyes of the God you choose not to either believe in or listen to
on Mar 15, 2005
Most of these parts of that book are dismissed by modern Christians as being things that were right for the time but no longer relevant, yet they cling to that part of the book for reasons I haven't yet got my head around but am willing to hear about.
I'd be willing to hear it, too....I'm 5'6" and nearsighted. I got no chance at all to see the Kingdom, huh?
But, as messybuu said:
Well, there were many laws that the Lord required the Jews to follow in the Old Testament, but Jesus fulfilled those laws, essentially making it so that we need no longer follow them. However, some things were confirmed as still being sin in the New Testament.
It's the same reason we don't have to perform sacrifices anymore.
Maybe Jesus forgave me for my vertically and ocullarly-challenged ways.
on Mar 15, 2005
In fact, I have before....and the answer I received was that Paul was wrong...and that Paul was hated by the early church, so therefore, his writings do not matter.
You reference Paul the Apostle in response to questions about homosexuality, but Champas Socialist references Leviticus.
Leviticus is part of the Pentatuch (first five books of the OT), written by Moses what, two or three millennia before Paul?
And just because Paul was a hardass who clove to the line especially closely, which caused him in turn to perhaps be alienated from his contemporaries, is no reason to dismiss him entirely.
on Mar 15, 2005
if you don't even believe in the Bible, then why even argue that homosexuality is or isn't a sin?
Who says I dont believe in the bible?
I just dont believe in the interpretations that humans have placed and their misquoting and selective quoting.
If people want to really understand the reson why the leviticus bit is in their they should understand that at the time it was said women were seen as lesser class citizens so to be laying with a man as you would be with a woman would make you less of a man ie.. like a woman seen as a lesser being, therefore it was wrong to do that.
What I fail to understand is the grasping hold of that quote without reading what the rest has to say. Most people would be stoned to death!
Is there anywhere in the bible where Jesus himself said anything about homosexuality? really.. werent the people who believed in the old testiment the ones to persecute Jesus to death for his heretical beliefs? Doesnt it tell people that those beliefs in the old testament were outdated therefore Jesus was bringing new blood into the world, new revelations? Otherwise if we were to follow the old testament to the letter we mostly would be stoning people left right and centre.
Hell I would make a stoning company, coloured rocks for stoning ..we could make a fortune!
on Mar 15, 2005
PB - I love YouAs a Christian and as your friend I love you
Thanks Trina! I love you too
means alot to me.. see you display true Christianity!
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