The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Blogging frommy heart
Published on June 9, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Im going to take a little twist on my blogging.

It's taken courage to write about this on here. At first I thought I shouldnt bring it up. But it is a part of me, and what has made me who I am today, especially how I view the world. So here it goes...

Ive been living with HIV (Human Immunodificency Virus) since I was 18, I am now 31. In that time I have seen people die around me, people reject me, people learn from me and people love me in ways I never dreamed imaginable.

To me living with HIV is a part of my everyday existence. You could say I've learnt to live with it. There isn't anything glamerous about it. It's life changing and it never goes away.

At the moment I am well. Really well. I have around 400 t cells, my viral load is around 230. It hasnt always been this good. The road has been rough along the way. I currently am on a regieme of medications called Anti retrovirals. I take them when I wake up and I take them when I go to bed. This ensures my constant reminder that i am living with this Virus. I can never forget it.

The Virus comes up everytime I have sex. Everytime I feel ill. Everytime I meet someone and form a relationship with them. It comes up everytime I bleed. The virus is like another entity living within my body with its own life. I am its host. I have learnt to accept its rythymn and flow with it, not to disrupt it or it kicks up a fuss like a baby.

At times I hate it. At times I feel like a leper. At times I feel like death. But with all this there are times when living with this virus has taught me alot about life.

It's a very personal issue for me. But hopefully I can help others going through it that read this, and hopefully I can help others who dont have to understand more about it. Maybe it will help save others from going through the same experience. I dont know what it will do but I know that most importantly I can have an outlet to express how I feel, and maybe it will help me heal in some way.

I first come into contact with this virus at the age of 18. I met this guy and had sex with him. Loads of sex. All of it was unprotected. At that time I didnt think about HIV, i was invincible, in my prime. Besides he was a counsellor for people living with HIV. If he had it he would have told me and he would have protected me from it. Unfortunately that wasnt the case. He had it. He didnt care. He didnt say anything to me. So I got sick.

I vividly remember going to the doctors with lymph glands in my neck swollen wondering why and the doctor asking me if I wanted a HIV test. I didnt think anything of it. Of course I didnt have it. Two weeks later the tests came back inconclusive. I had to have another test, this time it came back positive. He informed me that I had at most 6 months good health left, that I was going to die and that I had to inform my family and people I had come into sexual contact with.

I was 18. I hadnt come out to any of my family. I had a vision of my future. I was no longer invincible.

I confronted the guy. It didnt seem to bother him too much. I let out my anger. Why didnt he tell me? Why did he let this happen to me? Why did I let this happen to myself?. What was going to happen to me now?.

First thing I did was try and absorb as much information as possible on the virus. What it meant to have it, what my prospects were, what I could do and could no longer do. There wasnt much information back then. I was going to die. I had to get my life in order. I had to tell the people I loved, and I had to prepare for death.

Since that time I have seen my doctor every month. I have had that many blood tests that my veins are scarred with the needles. I have come to know more about my body and my immune system. I have taken toxic drugs to help fight it. I have taken herbs and potions to help my body. I have worked with people living with HIV, set up support groups, experimented with different methods of healing and talked with alot of people.

Thankfully I no longer am preparing for imminent death. Forteen years have passed and I am still here. I am healthy. I have the support and love from the majority of my family and friends. For this I am most thankful.

No longer do I have a vision of my future. No longer do I feel invincible. No longer do I see the world through the same eyes. I am still alive. Everyday counts. Everyday I learn something new. Everyday something changes.

As im about to post has just started to rain. Only a little.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 11, 2004
Thanks MadPoet will be in touch asap!
on Jun 11, 2004
BOI!!! I bet you wish you hadn't made the mistake of meeting the scum who gave you aids.
on Jun 11, 2004
No Marvin cause I dont consider it a mistake. Period.
on Jun 11, 2004

BOI!!! I bet you wish you hadn't made the mistake of meeting the scum who gave you aids.

Marvin~why don't you take a chill pill dude. For someone who claims to hate gay people so much~you sure do spend an awful lot of time talking to 'em, huh? And writing about 'em, etc. How come? You need to take a longer peek at that bible of yours big time dude. Now what was it that Jesus said about not judging others again? It is way past your bedtime Marvin. You aren't impressing anybody on this thread AT ALL.


on Jun 11, 2004
Its from my experience of being a gay man for a great deal of my life and meeting alot of gay people in and out of the closet , is that the ones who are usually the most paraniod or the most upset by gay people usually have something hidden in their own closet.
Just a thought.
on Jun 11, 2004

OK Draginol.........I guess all caps may be a bit annoying to some people.

Actually, it annoys most people.  All caps means that you are yelling.  Most people don't like o hear yelling.

ones who are usually the most paraniod or the most upset by gay people usually have something hidden in their own closet.
Just a thought.

a little of "he doth protest too much"?

on Jun 11, 2004
a little of "he doth protest too much"?

yeah just a little

on Jun 11, 2004
I was tested about 3 weeks ago. I did some things that weren't very smart. I thought I was in love, I thought I could trust him. But really I was just fooling myself. And now I will get to find out how much I was fooling myself. I took the test over 3 weeks ago, and I know the results are back. But I don't really want to know. I am dumb, I know how to get it, I know how to protect myself. Yet I still put myself at risk. The scary thing is, the guy I was with when it all ended he told me "I know we have HIV now", which freaked me out. I really don't think I have it, but why did he say that to me?. I guess I will go get the results sometime, I am pretty sure that I will be fine. But it is the attitude that it can't happen to me that puts people in this situation. I thought it couldn't happen to me, even with know all the facts. Yet, now I am in the postion where it could happen to me and I put myself in that postion.

Thanks for posting. I would like to comment about the comment "YOU GAYS MUST REALIZE THE HARM IN YOUR LIFE STYLE AND CHANGE YOUR WAYS ALSO", you should know that HIV is infects more straight people than gay. In America it is associted with gay people but world wide there are more straight people. So please keep that in mind before you judge people.
on Jun 11, 2004
Maybe thats why i'm so paranoid!!! I do have a lot of skeletons in my secret closet.
on Jun 11, 2004
HIV is a homosexuality disease. the only reason so-called hetrosexuals have it worldwide to a large degree, is because of the blacks in africa. Black men in Africa commit the sin of SODOMY with their wives and girlfriends. In other words, they have perverted anal sex. So of course, they spread aids like wildfire. In the western world anal sex is very uncommon with married couples. Therefore, aids is also very uncommon with normal hetrosexual couples. I hope I have shed some light on the matter.
on Jun 11, 2004
Anal sex does not cause AIDS. Unprotected sex of any type with a partner who has HIV causes AIDS. Receiving infected blood and certain body fluids from someone who is HIV positve causes AIDS.
on Jun 11, 2004
Hey Copper Clark

I can only say to you that it is important for your own peace of mind to get the results. I know how your feeling. It is scary and when we love someone we do trust them. That is a part of what love is. For him to say that to you, well has he had a test and is he positive? If he is and didnt tell you and still had unprotected sex with you well I dont know about what country your in but here it is against the law. That isnt what you want to hear right now. So all I can say to you is from this moment on, treat all your partners as having HIV, that way you will always protect yourself. Its scary, I know, it hurts when the ones you love hurt. Dont think your a fool. Your human, and we love and we trust. Just remember from this moment on you need to protect yourself. There is a whole load of issues that come up for me when I read what you write and Ill have to spend some time thinking about it to write about it but, I wish you loads of luck and hugs.
on Jun 11, 2004
HIV is a homosexuality disease. the only reason so-called hetrosexuals have it worldwide to a large degree, is because of the blacks in africa

Marvin. Where do you live? In what century? On what planet? Are you a white supremisist? Do you prescribe to the same beliefs Hitler did?
I imagine you as a man walking around with bible clasped in one hand, the other hand covering your eyes, and your feet in chains.
I can only feel compassion for you man.

For everyone else reading these posts.. well Marvin is a great example of a majority of people out there who still thinks about HIV like he does. All it takes is education, willingness to understand and removal of the blinkers which unfortunately in this day and age is prevelant. This needs to stop.
on Jun 11, 2004
BOI !!!!!! The fact that you don't ever admit making a mistake leads me to believe that you are a very PRIDEFUL person. The sin of pride is the worst sin in the Bible. The sins of Sodom and Gammorah was not merely in homosexuality. God says the PRIDE of their sins bare witness against them. And that THEY DECLARE THEIR SIN AS SODOM, THEY HIDE IT NOT.

We are all sinners, but when we become boastful and prideful about our sins, we then turn into very sinful and evil people. Sin is something we should all be ashamed of, not prideful of. PRIDE OF WRONG DOING IS THE GREATEST SIN OF ALL!!!

BOI !!! Repent to God for your sins and mistakes or suffer the ravages of a burning hell !!!
on Jun 11, 2004
Hey Copper Clark

I can only say to you that it is important for your own peace of mind to get the results. I know how your feeling. It is scary and when we love someone we do trust them. That is a part of what love is. For him to say that to you, well has he had a test and is he positive? If he is and didnt tell you and still had unprotected sex with you well I dont know about what country your in but here it is against the law. That isnt what you want to hear right now. So all I can say to you is from this moment on, treat all your partners as having HIV, that way you will always protect yourself. Its scary, I know, it hurts when the ones you love hurt. Dont think your a fool. Your human, and we love and we trust. Just remember from this moment on you need to protect yourself. There is a whole load of issues that come up for me when I read what you write and Ill have to spend some time thinking about it to write about it but, I wish you loads of luck and hugs.

He did tell me he was negative, I honestly think he said that because out relationship was ending. It was away that he could get in my head and make me worry. I am one of those people who is usually VERY safe, and he knows that. I would often go get tested for STD's for the slightest little thing, so when he said that I think he was trying to mess with me. I haven't had sex in 5 weeks since our relationship ended. I guess that is the best way to be safe, but not much fun. I learned a lot from that relationship, one of which is always be safe even if you do trust them. I am sure I will go get the results, but it does bring up the question about wanting to know. I read some where that some of the drugs HIV patients take may be worse than HIV symptoms, if this is true, why take them? But at the same time you are living with HIV and have been for years so they must help some. I was wondering how has treatment changed from when you were younger to now?
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