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USA debates Shapelle Corby case on TV
Published on May 31, 2005 By
Current Events
Here is an interesting article taken from the Sydney Morning Herald today:
She's even made the Americans talk..
Interesting also to note from the same newspaper showing how Sydneys airport fails the test of security
When you uncover one rat, it seems all the other rats come out of hiding.
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Champas Socialist
on Jun 01, 2005
I disagree with their opinions, but at least they actually backed up their opinions of why the Indonesian system did not give a fair trial. Most Australians' opinions seem to be based on "she looks innocent when she cries". None of us have heard the evidence against her or seen how Balinese trials work. But they work well enough to put 3 Bali bombers on death row. (Incideentally a friend of mine who works for the cops told me she knows some inside stuff that has her office of coppers convinced 100% of her guilt).
As for Australians' boycott, many Indonesians will breathe a sigh of relief. Australians have found a new form of colonialism in Bali. Rather than fighting to colonise a place, you use your money to force impoverished people to tolerate you as you completely disrespect their culture. The way Australians behave in Bali is abominable. If you want to party drunkenly, do it in Australia, not in a place that would find it completely offensive.
Furry Canary
on Jun 01, 2005
On Monday, on your first blog in this subject, I asked you 'how long before 'Honk if you h8 Bali?' escalates into acts of violence against Indonesians in Australia?' You replied: 'Well hopefully it won't come to that.'
Today's top item on the evening news was the closure of the Indonesian embassy in Canberra and the enforced isolation of its 22 staff, after a package containing what authorities confirmed to be a 'biological agent' was delivered there. Prime Minister John Howard apologised to the Indonesian government on behalf of the Australian people, describing this as 'an act of reckless indifference to human life'. How ironic, given that this is not dissimilar from the accusations that the pro-Corby lobby are levelling at the Indonesian legal system.
Well PB, it seems that the incitement to fear and ignorance by you and your crusaders for Corby has had more practical effect than any passive 'hopefully it won't come to that'. You and your torchbearing villagers have been had good and proper by Alan Jones and his ilk. Still feeling holier than thou?
on Jun 01, 2005
Hey furry... come down off your high, noble horse! It does not become you.
Furry Canary
on Jun 01, 2005
' Hey furry... come down off your high, noble horse! It does not become you.'
Well, that moves the debate along in leaps and bounds.
on Jun 01, 2005
' Hey furry... come down off your high, noble horse! It does not become you.'
Well, that moves the debate along in leaps and bounds.
Sorry if you didn't care for my post. But what *you* posted was NOT moving the debate either!
Well PB, it seems that the incitement to fear and ignorance by you and your crusaders for Corby has had more practical effect than any passive 'hopefully it won't come to that'. You and your torchbearing villagers have been had good and proper by Alan Jones and his ilk. Still feeling holier than thou?
How can you view this as moving a debate along? This can't even be construed as constructive criticism!
on Jun 01, 2005
How can you view this as moving a debate along? This can't even be construed as constructive criticism!
While Im supposidly a torchbearer, yeah one for innocence, there are some stupid people who think that violence is a good way to help their cause.
I dont condone what happened at the embassy in fact I think it is even more stupid than what has gone on in Bali. Sure believe in a cause but dont go doing stupid things in order to prove it.
on Jun 01, 2005
Boycotting Bali, Qantas, Indonesia or asking for Tsunami donations back is nothing short of a childish reaction to a particularly emotional event. The fact that American 'celebrities' have stepped in with their particularly subjective opinions doesn't surprise me, but that SMH saw fit to publish them, thereby giving these opinions a weight, does.
on Jun 01, 2005
What if you went to Bali and your bag was tampered with?
Recently coming home from Byron yeah not an overseas flight but just a domestic one, I know my bag was tampered with.. things were not the way I packed them.
Imagine going over there with their laws and having this happen to you?
Sure asking for the donations back is dumb.
I think they need to look at their laws though. Maso, people smuggling drugs into Bali just doesnt make sense. Out of Bali maybe, but into? It wouldnt be worth anything for them over there because it is so readily available. Why wasnt the evidence tested? Why was it tampered with?
It isnt that she is getting a slap over the wrist, it is her life at stake. For what? Just doesnt add up to me.
on Jun 01, 2005
I understand this is an emotional issue. But there is no room in any legal process for emotion. Whether Corby is guilty or innocent is a moot point, really. The due processes have to be adhered to otherwise all we'd have is anarchy.
There has been some evidence that hydroponically grown marijuana has been smuggled into Bali before as the local stuff is a lot weaker and usually full of leaf and seed. The 'imported' pot also fetches a much greater price, which is the main reason why anybody smuggles anything. As for the question of tampering with the evidence, I can't answer it because I don't know. Maybe the Indonesian authorities didn't bother testing it because they were convinced of Corby's guilt. Who knows, but I'm sure time will tell.
on Jun 02, 2005
I guess we will have to see.. hopefully Justice will prevail, if not then karma will.
on Jun 02, 2005
Yes, I agree. If she is innocent, I have faith that the truth will be revealed. If she is guilty, well then justice will be served. Either way, I deplore the actions carried out at the Embassy yesterday. I hope the authorities find the guilty parties quick smart.
on Jun 02, 2005
Either way, I deplore the actions carried out at the Embassy yesterday. I hope the authorities find the guilty parties quick smart.
Yeah same here Maso.
Interesting that their police now are coming here to check things out as well.
Furry Canary
on Jun 02, 2005
'Sure believe in a cause but dont go doing stupid things in order to prove it.'
Well said and fair enough, PB.
'... people smuggling drugs into Bali just doesnt make sense.'
This view has been banded about a lot recently, but apparently - as dynamaso suggests above - it is a long way from the truth. This is just one of the issues that was effectively debunked on this week's 'MediaWatch'. One journalist was quoted as saying that she had wanted to pursue this line of enquiry, but was prevented from doing by editorial pressure. Apparently, it would have jeopardised relations between her employer and the Corby family, and thus threatened the financial deal they had struck.
Result - the myth of no financial motive remains unchallenged within the popular media, and so support for it gets even stronger.
on Jun 02, 2005
One journalist was quoted as saying that she had wanted to pursue this line of enquiry, but was prevented from doing by editorial pressure. Apparently, it would have jeopardised relations between her employer and the Corby family, and thus threatened the financial deal they had struck.Result - the myth of no financial motive remains unchallenged within the popular media, and so support for it gets even stronger.
This is interesting.. sorry I missed it.
on Jun 02, 2005
This is why you'll never get me to visit places like that...keep me in the western world or let me stay home.
Reminds me of the time I went to India.. the only way I could get home was to bribe the highest officials ... but that's a story to come.
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