The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on May 26, 2005 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Well you might have noticed as of late I havent been posting very much if at all about being HIV.

I guess there hasnt been anything to talk about. Im well. Im on my meds and everything is running according to how it should.

It's almost a year since I was in hospital and since then everything has settled down...knock wood!

In fact the last blood result I had was the best ever recorded for me!

So Im just gonna keep doin what Im doin.. LIVE!

on May 26, 2005
How have the beach walks been going? I took a walk with my eldest son this past Sunday, he is in IT and was feeling unappreciated, we hit a about halfway mark on the walk to the 'witch's house' and the pouring rain made us turn back.
on May 26, 2005
Its been too cold to go to the beach here aeryck.. but ive been a little busy as well with moving and settling into where I am now and working and stuff.. so everything is going well! Thanks for stopping by!
on May 26, 2005
Have you ever heard the band 'Stryper'....?'I am listening to 'In God We Trust'
on May 26, 2005
nope never...
Have you ever heard the band 'Stryper'....?

on May 26, 2005
I first heard of the band in the early 80's and they were raged against because of the cover of them as angels attacking demons with flying V's......they have developed into an amazing band....the lead vocal is schweeeeeeet.......and powerful. Check my link.....
on May 26, 2005
Check my link.....

Thanks man will do!
on May 26, 2005
'Have a beautiful day, Peace.' .A.

on May 26, 2005
Hey that's great Phoenix!! i saw the title and got a bit worried that maybe something bad might have happened to you.

So Im just gonna keep doin what Im doin.. LIVE!

Yes, keep up the good job babe!
on May 27, 2005
Yes, keep up the good job babe!

Thanks IG! ure a sweetie !!