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And Then Life
The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Phoenixbois rant for the day
Published on May 25, 2005 By
Im ranting today..and here is why.
I just woke up to this article
where the Japanese government has basically told the Australian government that they will kill Humpback whales anyway, despite our Prime Minister asking in a letter to the Japanese Prime Minister not to go ahead with plans to kill at least 50 humpback whales a year for "scientific purposes". There are only 4000 humpback whales left in existence!
Our Prime Minister wrote them a letter. The decent thing would have been for the Japanese Prime Minister to write one back, no.. he sent his lacky here to reply. Hello? where is the common respect here?
What I dont get is that at the moment we have our troops over in Iraq as a security force for the Japanese workers who are carrying out work in Iraq, as a favour to them.
Im getting a little sick and tired of reading how our troops are helping these people while when we ask them for a favour they snub their noses at us.
Well .. Fuck them!
Not only should we be telling the Japanese government to stick their workers in the hells of Iraq and burn, but we should also be telling countries such as Indonesia to sink in their own mud too. Why indonesia as well?
Well at the moment we have one of ours over there in Bali clearly set up in a drug scam and no matter what efforts we have been making over here to have her released or brought back to Australia they seem to tbe telling us to basically ..butt out.
Here from a country we gave recently billions of dollars in aid to whent the tsunami struck in december.
Well it makes me feel sick to see how our hospitality and good will is slapped back in our faces when we ask for the common respect returned.
Makes me wonder sometimes, is it all worth it? Is this why Americans feel so shitted on when they go in and help and then all is asked for is ..Please I want MORE!.. well when is things returned?
Come on! It should be about give and take not...take take take!
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on May 25, 2005
I approve of this rant.. it's easy to dance to, I rate it 7.5 out of a possible 10
on May 25, 2005
It just makes me mad!!
on May 25, 2005
#2 by Phoenixboi
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
It just makes me mad!!
me too , I was trying to take the anger out of you with a laugh, no offense ok?
Dr Guy
on May 25, 2005
Sorry son. It is a bitch. And no one wins.
Damn the politics!
on May 25, 2005
Yeah it sucks... It's sad how we cant really do much about it though. Relax PB, you're prime minister will deal with it, that's what he's paid for, alright?
Take it easy hun.
on May 26, 2005
I was trying to take the anger out of you with a laugh, no offense ok?
no offence taken
thanks for trying to make me smile!
Sorry son. It is a bitch. And no one wins.
Well for once I would like to see right win.
It's sad how we cant really do much about it though. Relax PB, you're prime minister will deal with it, that's what he's paid for, alright?
yeah I think we can do heaps about it! We gotta IG cause if we think we cant then there is no hope.
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