The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Blogging orgasm
Published on March 13, 2005 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
This weekend I gave up one addiction and replaced it with another.

I have stopped smoking.. well I am trying. It has been almost 24 hours since my last cigarette. The craving is still there but I dont have any in the house and I am refusing to go buy any. Yesterday morning I woke up feeling amazingly good. Then I when I had a cigarette it instantly made my energy levels go down and I felt terrible. So that was it . No more.

Anyhow I needed a distraction.

So I discovered a site where you can promote your blog and explore the world of bloggers without having to leave the site. It's called What an amazing site! Not only can you promote your blog and have a multitude of people come and visit your blog, but you can get out there and see the wonders of blogging from all corners of the world.

I've discovered some amazing writing out there. From life stories to thesis on science. I've added some to my side bar here in JU. I've also found some other people living with HIV who are blogging about their experiences. I did this by typing what I was after in the search bar in Blog Explosion and it brought up a whole list of blogs with that subject matter.

Im addicted!!

So people if you want to get out there and experience the big ocean of blogging..and have your blog in their as well check it out..

on Mar 27, 2005
This site is absolutely amazing! JU people you should really give it a go!