The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on January 11, 2005 By Phoenixboi In Current Events
Ok Ok.. I know my last article I said I was going but this message is important to pass on..whether you believe it or not or whether you read out of interest I think it is really important to pass on..

Monday, January 10 2005
Contributed by: Admin Through the ancient techniques of divination and tools of prophecy, the Mayan elders are calling forth to humanity at THIS TIME to pay closer attention to the messages being sent forth by the mother earth and to immediately take the actions they have been calling for, to unite in an effort to bring balance again upon our planet. The recent destruction that manifested in Indonesia is predicted to now occur rapidly upon five continents of the earth. This message is not meant to induce fear, to the contrary, it is a call for bravery and for action. The elders are concerned about what has been presented in their recent divinations and they call to all humanity to warn their leaders and to work very hard at a spiritual level to prevent the impending destruction. This message, verified and brought forth by various Mayan elders in Guatemala, is for all of humanity. The hurricanes in the US and the earthquake and tsunami in Indonesia have been warnings and we must now pay attention or the possibilities of floods in Europe, Los Angeles, earthquakes and other efforts of the mother earth to awaken us will manifest quickly.

There is a specific call for people around the world to join in prayer, meditation or whatever method of spirituality one engages in to unite on January 18th at the time of their local sunset (approx 6:00PM). This date is B'elejeb(9) Keme according to the sacred Mayan Cholq’ij calendar and has the potential for protecting humanity from disaster.

There will be many major ceremonies in the Mayan communities for this purpose. An open invitation is extended to humanity that wish to join the Mayan people for the Waxa’qib B’atz’ ceremonies on February 12th in Guatemala.
Again, this is a strong message, not meant to drive us to react in fear, for this will only negatively impact the level of destruction and our own circumstance. This is the opportunity for humanity to rise to the occasion and come together along the strong lines that unite us and overcome the obstacles that divide us. Please distribute this message widely.

Message issued by Mayan elders in Guatemala and delivered via:
Carlos Barrios, Mayan Ajq’ij, Antigua, Guatemala
Adam Rubel, Co-Director, Saq’ Be’: Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies

Saq' Be': Organization for Mayan and Indigenous Spiritual Studies is a non profit organization based in New Mexico, US. Saq' Be' works to bring people, especially young adults, together with ancient traditions for the purpose of cultural and spiritual preservation and to open the doors of opportunity for those traditions to share their teachings with the rest of the world. Preservation programs include Radio broadcast capacity for the Native community in Chichicastenango, Guatemala, support for the community of Sarayacu in Ecuador in their struggle against petrol interests, and support for filmed documentation efforts of elders and guides of the Mayan tradition. More information can be found at:, or by email at:

on Jan 12, 2005
Hum, sounds weird but it's true that the wheather is definetely cranky, in Northern Europ there was a terrible storm. They showed on tvv people that had to hang on to ropes to prevent the wind to blow them away. It was freaky, kinda reminded me of "the day after tomorrow". Right after that they showed the hurricanes in the US. It tells us how lucky we are not to have had the cyclone Kerri directly on us.

Anyway, thanks for passing this on (even if i dont think i'll do much about it) and it's good to 'see' you
on Jan 12, 2005
Hey IG... the whole world is crying out at the moment.. Im sure there are other people out there that can hear it..

Good to see you as well
on Jan 15, 2005
bumping it up cause i think its important!!
on Jan 16, 2005
on Jan 16, 2005
2012 cometh.

yeah very soon...