The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on November 30, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging

SO JU user Ive been blogging on here now since May this year. I've shared a little of my life about living with this virus. Is there anything you want to know? Is there anything your curious about? What experiences have you had when it comes to do with HIV?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Nov 30, 2004
Heres a ((((((((((((Phoenixboi)))))))))))) (hug) for my friend
on Nov 30, 2004
Hey Mano! Thanks man.. heres one right back for ya!! xox
on Nov 30, 2004
You are my first HIV friend. But i dont really have questions. I just love reading what you want to share with us. =HUG=
on Nov 30, 2004

No, I know how you contract it. 

Years and years ago (back in '89, I think), I knew someone who had full blown AIDS.  I saw him in a restaurant and he looked so bad I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek.  My bf at the time refused to kiss me afterwards, saying that I "could have got it from him". Another time, I was in the Bronx and saw that a homeless man had fallen and gashed his head.  I held my kleenex against the gash until the medics got there, and the policeman that responded told me I had put myself at risk.  I didn't get any blood on me; I had no open cuts or sores (not even a hangnail) on my hand...and we didn't even know this person had HIV for sure or not. 

People are paranoid out of ignorance, P.  Some people act paranoid to mask prejudice.  I'm neither ignorant nor prejudiced.



on Nov 30, 2004
People are paranoid out of ignorance, P. Some people act paranoid to mask prejudice. I'm neither ignorant nor prejudiced.

Thats one of the reasons I adopted you
on Nov 30, 2004
People are paranoid and ignorant it's true, that's why i think you've had a great idea to post this article. I believe you can educate people about HIV through your own experiences.
on Nov 30, 2004
I saw him in a restaurant and he looked so bad I gave him a hug and kissed his cheek. My bf at the time refused to kiss me afterwards, saying that I "could have got it from him".

I suppose you could have, if your lips were razor sharp, which sliced open his cheek causing him to bleed profusely into open wounds in your mouth.
on Nov 30, 2004

I suppose you could have, if your lips were razor sharp, which sliced open his cheek causing him to bleed profusely into open wounds in your mouth.

That's a possibility, I suppose.....or I could have nicked his cheek with my vampire-like fangs and swallowed enough of his blood to put me at risk.


on Nov 30, 2004
on Nov 30, 2004
I meant to comment earlier today but I was pretty busy. I don't have any questions at the moment, but be sure, if I have one, I'll ask you. I do like the .gif you posted very much. Awareness is one of the best ways to combat the virus. I think the most poignant part of the animation is the "You cannont get HIV by being a friend". That covers most everything and it needs to be spread.

Take care and thanks for sharing this post and promoting awareness.
on Dec 01, 2004
You are my first HIV friend

Happy to be that Island Girl!

we didn't even know this person had HIV for sure or not.

UNiversal precautions Dharma.. now days you really gotta treat everyone as having it.. and be careful.. but sensible about it as well.. there is easier things to catch than HIV.

on Dec 01, 2004
Some people act paranoid to mask prejudice. I'm neither ignorant nor prejudiced.

I like tha Dharma.. it is even displayed here on the net.
on Dec 01, 2004
Some people act paranoid to mask prejudice. I'm neither ignorant nor prejudiced.

I like tha Dharma.. it is even displayed here on the net.
on Dec 01, 2004
I believe you can educate people about HIV through your own experiences.

that is my aim
Is it working??
on Dec 01, 2004
Awareness is one of the best ways to combat the virus. I think the most poignant part of the animation is the "You cannont get HIV by being a friend". That covers most everything and it needs to be spread.

Im glad your my friend Chip.!!
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