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And Then Life
The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
To gain and gain and gain
resculpturing my body
Published on June 20, 2004 By
Health & Medicine
Ok with big time encouragement from Dharmagrl, Exar Kuun and pseudosoldier im going to start a weblog of my progress with a very important goal of mine. That is to gain weight, put on more muscle and become fitter and stronger at the same time.
As some of you are aware from my other blog
I am HIV, have been for 14 yrs. Therefore it is important for me to look after my body and health and maintain weight and muscle in order for the virus to be kept at bay.
So here goes!
Im gonna get some pictures taken and write a list of stuff that Im going to be doing day to day and what I am going to take etc..
Any encouragement and input is most welcome!
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