The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on June 10, 2005 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
I been going through some of my old articles here on JU.. and looking through some of the comments especially from the beginning way back a year ago.

And I was wondering. Where are some of the people who left those comments? What are they doing now?

Some of them really showed a great interest in JU and revealed alot about their lives ..

So here is my JUsers missing list: please feel free to add to it.. and maybe we might be able to see what's happened to them.

wuxiaomao last blogged November 24 2004.

The Crusaders last blogged September 27 2004.

Cann1bal last blogged August 12 2004

CS Guy last blogged August 10 2004

mignuna last blogged May 1 2005

apdelong31 last blogged April 14 2005

I hope life is treating them well and their dreams are being realised

Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages1 2 
on Jun 10, 2005
Some just get stung to often by the little bees.........bzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz bzzzzzzzzzz and angry royalty .......

while others are apparently less than serious about their widely announced annual retreat from the things of this world.
on Jun 10, 2005
Where's dylan gone

it makes me SICK that DylanZimmerman is gone

i'm tryin hard to make myself believe she's having such a good time she just can't tear herself away. i'd be fine with that (even though i can't deny i'm just selfish enuff to wish she'd have an off day once in a while so she'd drop by).
on Jun 10, 2005
I was wondering what happened to CSGuy, too. He was blogging about 5 articles a day and then he was gone.
on Jun 11, 2005
He was blogging about 5 articles a day and then he was gone.

lost in the great blog - black - hole.. maybe with
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