The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
Published on December 24, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
As I sit in my lounge room at five minutes to midnight on Christmas eve.. stoned.. Im reminded of a song..

I can't remember who sang it. But the words that come to mind are...

"And so this is Christmas
And what have you done?
Another year over
And a new one has begun

|And so happy Christmas
blah blah blah... la la la"


How many years have to go by? And when they all go by then what?

Standing at my Aunties crypt yesterday I was confronted with relatives who I had never met before. People who are a part of my history who didnt even recognise me. I felt as if I had missed a chunk of my life.

Then there was my nine year old nephew with his first real experience of grief and death. And I looked at him and the faces of innocence he pulled when the casket was placed into the tomb. Here he was one of the youngest members of thefamily and there she was the dead one in a casket, one of the oldest ones. And all the rest around her. Just each in turn waiting to end up with the same fate.

Another year over. And a new one to begin..

So this is Christmas.. And what have you done?? On and on and on..

Comments (Page 2)
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on Dec 28, 2004
This past year is the first year I've spent in my 40's, although I still feel like a 25 year old. The only difference is that there are now parts of my body that don't cooperate with me like they used to do. I know this is part of getting old, but, dammit, I want my cake and I wanna eat it too.

This past year I've written some of the best music and lyrics I've ever written. The irony of this is that the music industry isn't interested in something someone of my age has written. I mean, I still look good, but I'm not fresh faced and 17 years old, with a voice like John Farnham. Still, some of the best musical moments of my life occured in the last twelve months and I'm hoping they will continue in 2005.

This past year I voted Labor, lamented over the farce of the continuing war in Iraq, have been horrified by the cruelty men can inflict on one another and have refined my own personal beliefs by trying hard to practice what I'm thinking. I believe a lot of the turmoil and paranoia of the world can be counter-attacked by positive thought and words, honesty, trust and love.

This past year, I started a number of different blogs at different sites before discovering JU. I've made new friends, been in contact with old friends, and found some lost friends. I've let some people go whose effect on my life was detrimental. I've been as non-judgemental and open-minded as I can be. I've tried hard not to lose my temper and have not tried to stop myself from crying when I needed to have a good bawl. Shame and blame are no longer part of my vocabulary.

Finally, this past year I've fallen in love with my wife all over again. I have found her strength, courage, resilience and tenacity to be both encouraging and positive. She keeps me looking forward to growing old with her.

Thanks for this opportunity, Phoenix. I'm glad to have met you.



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