The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
The claws are out. This cat is on the hunt.
Published on July 27, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Some people think that the internet is somewhere safe to hide.

Some people think that when they put up a fake name they arent able to be traced.

Some people think they can write anything and get away with it.

Im like a ratter.

I can smell shit from miles away. And I take great pleasure in exposing them.

Hell hath no fury as a queens scorn.

The masks are about to be ripped off.

Comments (Page 14)
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on Aug 02, 2004
if you wernt so far away I'd invite you over for lunch right now

And a place would be set at my table for you as well Manopeace.

on Aug 02, 2004
And a place would be set at my table for you as well Manopeace.

Too far just to travel for a meal.... you better be ready to put me up for a few weeks....I would you.
on Aug 02, 2004
Phoenixboi what do you imagine you have accomplished? First you launch a veiled threat against the entire site that gets innocents afraid and terrorized that you might be talking about them. (Who is the real life -- not fictional -- terrorist around here?) You make promises you never fulfill then change the definition of what you threatened so you can pretend to have succeeded. Sir Peter continues the way he always has. What has been revealed? You think that you have unmasked his supporters? What, you couldn't read his blog roll? Duh! No-one has said anything in support of Sir Peter here who hasn't done so on numerous occasions before. There were no masks to rip off.
You've proven nothing. You've unmasked nobody but yourself and your supporters. And the height of your delusional ranting is that you can't see that. (By the way, it's not "falling for it" when you are fully aware of what is going on.)
You claim to be concerned about how others might perceive JU after seeing Sir Peter? (What a grandiose delusion of yours to imagine you know or have any control over the individual perceptions of millions of people!) Yet you ignore that there is far worse on this site than anything Sir Peter has said, not just in content but because it is real and the people who are saying it mean every word of it. Do you go after them? Do you even comment when this is pointed out? No on both counts. It makes your cause look as suspect as your methods.
Your ilk makes a big deal out of others (temporarily) not being "in on the joke." That's the great thing about satire, you don't have to be in on it for it to have the positive effect. If someone comes in and is disgusted by what he says, angered by it, good! Society needs to be! That is the point! And if they can appreciate the humorous style in which it is done all the better. As for those who you can't understand cheering him on in his comments, that's called "getting it." As much as you think you do, you still don't.
In the marketplace of free ideas we should not be afraid that possibly evil positions should be given voice. We should rather fear the evil lurking in the dark, unexposed, unrevealed, rotting the rest of the apples in the barrel without anyone ever seeing it. Keep the evil exposed to the light where we can all see what is going on. If we never knew what Hitler, Stalin, et al said, wrote, and believed how could we know the evil when it rises again? How often do we have a chance to come face to face with the disagreeable and offensive? We should have enough faith in mankind that the majority, when exposed to the virus, will build up the proper immunity. Some will not. We will always have evil with us. But once exposed, the majority has a far greater chance to recognize it when it comes and in so doing society as a whole will be in a far better position to defend against it.

You don't have to get the satire for it have the effect. Actually you are the ones that "fell for it." Hook, line, and sinker.
Manopeace unfortunately they will never understand the issues we are talking about here because they havent experienced them. When it touches something that has caused them suffering, then lets see how they react. I do not or ever wish harm on anyone. Unfortunately without experience sometimes people will never understand, they can think they know but truely they will never know.

More mind reading and grandiosity. Yes you poor dears are the keepers of suffering on JU -- nobody knows the trouble you've seen. Well, you have no idea what anyone else has been through. Yes, Sir Peter has said things that "touched my suffering," but you know what? I made a counter joke and kept on moving. It gives me the oppurtunity to learn to react in a healthy way -- healthy for me and for the good of my society -- and it gives me the oppurtunity to practice that. Yet one more benefit of the Sir Peter experience, exposing us and how we react to others in the world. (Yet one more way you "fell for it," and not in a good way either.)
You imagine that because your side is not taken it is just because we don't know suffering or bigotry? Again you presume too much. I've got news for you, even people with the exact same life experience frequently have diametrically opposed beliefs and reactions. You've built this self-congratulatory little thread where 4 or 5 of you can gather and through joint praise and mutual admiration imagine you are the keepers of right and actually accomplishing something. (From my perspective you're a bunch of mini dictator-wannabes working yourselves into a persecutorial lather. If I wanted to play mind reader I would imagine you live powerless little lifes and your ability to harass people on-line gives you some sense of meaning and power that you see yourselves as lacking in the real world.)
Sir Peter is... exposing those who would name call in the name of countering name calling, who would express hatred and bigotry in the name of countering hatred and bigotry, who would vilify in the name of anti-vilification, and never once see the irony.

I dare that pompous royal twit to come here for a vacation. Real or not, the gallows will be real!

Mano, you got an insightful from me for that last comment.

Sad isnt it Manopeace that people actually endorse this vile character.

What's sadder still is that in your apparently very real crusade you are far sicker than anything you imagine from Sir Peter.
If you accept that "Sir Peter" is a fictional character, then the author is an artist. One of the first things totalitarians do is crack down on artists and artistic freedom. You people are seriously on the wrong side of the fence. Manopeace (as head of a lynch mob you really ought to change that name) do you realize that at least one of the people arguing your side is elsewhere arguing for Hitler being a genius? And they mean it! Do you realize you are jowl to jowl with a (claims to be) former (but still expresses sympathy for) KKK member? (Well, now threatening to lynch the man behind the mask makes more sense, doesn't it?)
Who's more vile, Buzz Windrip or Pol Pot? The fictional dictator or the very real one? Unless you all are also fictional characters, you carry the modern day spirit of Mussolini, not "Sir Peter." When some of us speak of irony we refer to your total cluelessness about which side of the historical fence you are really on. There may be two sides to every coin, but the side you are on is that of every evil that ever lived.
Your position is the evil here. Your methods are the methods of terror and hatred. You are the inciters. You are the ones calling very seriously for real world censor and violence.
the harm he is doing by being alive

You people are too far gone to bother with. I've read my last of this foolish blather. And to think this is happening on the eve of Lenny Bruce's death.... Idiots never learn.
on Aug 02, 2004
Idiots never learn

Obviously just proved that with your rantings.
on Aug 02, 2004
, sickening.

Anyone that knows me around here knows my feelings about the Holocaust, and Nazis, and racism, and everything else that you just make snap assumptions about. Yes, if you go back I have used a very understanding and persuasive tone with you guys. I have suggested, I have joked, I have pointed you in the right direction, but you hear just what you want to hear and take it as insults.

Yes, I fell sorry for you. I don't do it for your sake, I just do. This is about the most depressing spectacle I have seen around here. No worries about me coming back, the dust is officially shaken from my feet.
on Aug 02, 2004
everything else that you just make snap assumptions about

Is it wrong for me to make a "snap judgement" about trying to prevent hatred from manifesting itself to the point of genocide? Is it wrong to speak out in defense of a person from a minority group that is being attacked verbally or otherwise?
I hear what you are saying BakerStreet...not just what I want to hear...and what I hear is sad coming from you.
on Aug 02, 2004
P.S. as an aside, if administrators ARE watching this, I suggest the thread be locked...

Phoenixboi has admitted his only purpose here was to bait and trap and humiliate another user/users, so I think that it should be authoritatively dealt with and locked, or deleted outright. Five pages of turmoil is bad enough; other threads have been locked for much less.

on Aug 02, 2004
Great one Baker Street...censor those whose minds you cannot change.
Yes, Phoenixboi has accomplished what he set out to do...he exposed one particular user as to what he/it really is. Unfortunately, certain others have exposed themselves along the way.
on Aug 02, 2004
" Great one Baker Street...censor those whose minds you cannot change."

OMG, did YOU just say that? What was this discussion about again? I guess I just have to stop looking in completely. The gaping holes in the logic in this cess pool are too hard not to point out...

*George H.W. Bush Impression*

Mr. Administrator... shut... this... discussion... down...

on Aug 02, 2004
This is about the most depressing spectacle I have seen around here. No worries about me coming back, the dust is officially shaken from my feet.

A man who keeps to his word is truly to be admired.
on Aug 02, 2004

Holy crapola, I got to bed for a few hours and all hell breaks loose!

First of all, whilst the character may be fiction, there is still someone behind the character thinking and writing.  Whilst the sentiments expressed might be full of satire and irony, we cannot ignore the fact that they are written to inflame and bait people. In the past, when people have complained about the harshness and unsensitiveness of the comments, we have been told that it was a 'joke' and that we are obviosuly too dense to get it.  There is no excuse for some of the things that have been said here and elsewhere, period.  That's the bottom line.

on Aug 02, 2004
224, (now 225) excellent!!! Anyone know what the record is?
on Aug 02, 2004
You are telling me that it is actually funny that my entire family was gassed by the nazis?

That's the victim card played, the question is do you have an ace up your sleeve?

It's also quite interesting to note that if you ever disagree with an Israeli the holocaust is inevitably used to shame you into silence. I feel no shame over the holocaust, if it wasn't for the courage of the British empire and men like my father, you would not be here today to abuse me in the first place. So please leave your victim act at home.

I suggest to both Manopeace and Phonenixboi that you have both had a good moan (like women), but it is time for you to avoid reading my articles. I dread to think what it will do to your blood pressure over the next few weeks.

Best Regards

General Sir Peter James Henry Maxwell IV
on Aug 02, 2004
LoL, heres a real example of irony.....myself as a former Klan member defending a homsexual and a jew on this thread. That, my dear, is irony.

Now THIS sounds like a Mel Brooks movie
on Aug 02, 2004
You people are too far gone to bother with. I've read my last of this foolish blather. And to think this is happening on the eve of Lenny Bruce's death.... Idiots never learn.

Thanks Gene... but you still dont get it.. and if your not interested then dont visit. Simple. DOnt comment, Dont waste your time. One day it will slap you in the face.
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