The Purpose of Life is to Live it..not to spend all of it searching for the purpose. Live Live Live like every second was your last.
scientists getting in on the act..
Published on July 11, 2004 By Phoenixboi In Blogging
Well here it is folks...

I woke up to this article on line this morning.. Linktelling the world that a melbourne scientist has found that HIV is killed in the test tube by lemon juice!

Now there has been a website for years going around that tells people with HIV to drink whole lemons with olive oil everyday and that it kills the virus in the system. Its been around for years, but has been ditched by scientists and organisations as a crank and people have been warned not to do it. See it was an alternative, and alternatives in our society arent taken to be serious unless its proven with scientific fact. Well there has been countless people who have used this method of treatment and many testimonials telling how it has reduced their viral load but still it has been debunked by the scientific community.

Yet now because a scientist has "discovered" that lemon juice kills the virus it is given funding and human trials are underway!

So some interesting things for me to think about... I have actually done the olive lemon juice therapy it isnt nice but it did make me feel a bit better while I wasnt on therapy. So lets see what they find. Do I get back onto it? Ill have to do some more research into it but its good that some alternative is been given some credence now that a "scientist" has "discovered" it.

Heres a link to the alternative site that has been around for the best part of ten years!

Keep Hope Alive

on Jul 12, 2004
Let us all hope and pray that a cure is found soon.Phoenixboi, you are truly a great example of how one deals with such horrors. Bless you!
on Jul 12, 2004
Let us all hope and pray that a cure is found soon

I believe there already is.. whether they let it known is a different thing.. but thats another issue. Thanks Manopeace.
on Jul 12, 2004
HEy LW...lots of education is and needs to be happening in Africa and countries which customs and cultures arent helping. Although I think its a huge issue to address I dont understand their culture so I dont really want to comment on it. Seems silly for us but it might be a big thing for them.

The Olive oil and lemon juice drink Ive tried though, it makes you go through a huge detox and needs to be taken with caution I think cause as with any detox it can go either way. But it did make me feel better while I was off meds, helped with the night sweats.
on Jul 13, 2004
do you really think that a cure has been found and being kept secret for some reason? If so, what reason? Please tell me you dont think it would be suppressed in order to target some group prone to the disease, because its increasing in the hetero population faster every year......

Hey LW

No i dont think it has been used to target any group... although I really feel..and I dont have proof so I cant be blamed for not researching.. so Ill state agian I feel.. and from my observations with doctors and working in many HIV organisations.. that there is something out there that has been found. Call me conspiratiorial the business of disease is a big one with many many organisations and pharmaceautical companies making big dollars out of it.

Now I can hear people saying yeah but disease also costs the system money, but I feel ..that it far outways the cost.

So the way they deal with diseases is that they make them "manageable" so that people can live long term with assistance from the medical system.

So in the western world and from what my doctors have told me anyhow HIV now is a manageable disease where people can live long term due to the advancement in medical treatments.

Now here comes another issue. Because of these treatments what has been observed is the new generation of people mostly arent taking the necessary precautions to prevent contracting the virus in the first place and many people are even looking for the virus in some sick way so that they dont have to worry about protection in the future. I spole more about this in this article.. Link

Now here is the danger.. In 2002 HIV infection jumped 15% and a further 6% in 2003 for gay men in the State of NSW alone. This is the first sustained increase since the early 80's. Not only HIV but Syphilis incresed 400% in the last year alone in Sydney. So people are become more complaicent and less worried about their sexual health.

There is a huge debate going on at the moment at the latest conference for HIV/AIDS about abstenance vs the use of condoms and how the Bush administration is directing their funding towards abstenance. Now this is well and good but we live in an age where people are going to have sex whether the conservatives like it or not and people are going to need the information on how to protect themselves from a wide range of issues from HIV to pregnancy. Now I can hear the conservatives say well serves em right, but that doesnt solve the problem or address the issues. It detracts.

So the people of this planet can either bury their heads in the sand, think it isnt going to affect them, or do some small part to help either educate their children, their community and lend support to the people affected rather than continue to discriminate and stigmatise, because it aint gonna go away.

on Jul 13, 2004

 Hey, LW....check out this site:


I dunno if you've heard of this before....

on Jul 31, 2004
Hey guys...lets start pushing for a campaign to cure idiocy! Theres lots of that going around as well....(right here on this site )
on Jul 31, 2004

lets start pushing for a campaign to cure idiocy

I'm all for that. 

on Jul 31, 2004
I really hope that it turns out ot be a cure, or at least a leap towards one. I had a partner that was HIV positive, and unfortunately he passed away some time ago. We had broken up by that point, but we remained friends. To see him slide down the way he did ewas horrifying. I would never want that to happen to anyone esle, but of course it does.
To answer a previous question, why people would keep a cure quiet?
Simply, doctors can't treat healthy people.
on Jul 31, 2004
Dont automatically write off those that have left you with a bad first impression....dig below the surface, try to find some common ground, and build from there. I must admit though, that digging beneath the surface is impossible with those who are entirely superficial in their persona, and refuse to even engage in serious discourse.

The roal blogger in question has not only left me with a bad first impression, his attacks on others have brought me close to becomming phisically ill. His opinions are outrageous, thank God only one other blogger constantly comes to his defense, all others seem to hold him in the same contempt I do.
on Aug 01, 2004
lets start pushing for a campaign to cure idiocy

unfortunately Manopeace idiocy is much more incideous than HIV.
on Aug 01, 2004
As i think youve realized in your convos with me, we arent all hearless, soulless bastards...right?

right.. we all play our part in the drama of life. As long as we all learn from it LW, and play our parts well.
on Aug 01, 2004
I really hope that it turns out ot be a cure, or at least a leap towards one

Amity, i truley believe that when humanity has learnt the lessons that this disease has brought to us then there will be a cure. When people learn to be tolerant, accepting, compassionate and understanding towards people living with HIv then things will become alot better for people like myself living with it.

MAybe a small voice can make a big difference.

To answer a previous question, why people would keep a cure quiet?Simply, doctors can't treat healthy people.

I think this is true to some extent, but not entirely. I think it has more to do with the big businesses such as the pharmaceutical companies. But thats my opinion.